Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love: Explained and Simplified - Psychologily (2024)

Love is a complex and multifaceted emotion. In his research, psychologist Robert Sternberg proposed a Triangular Theory of Love that breaks down the components of love into three main elements: intimacy, passion, and commitment. According to this theory, each element plays a crucial role in defining the different types of love that people experience.

The Triangular Theory of Love is an influential concept in psychology, as it provides a comprehensive framework for understanding the various aspects of love. Sternberg’s theory proposes that intimacy involves feelings of closeness and emotional connection between two people, passion involves physical attraction and sexual desire, and commitment consists of the decision to stay with someone and work towards a future together. By breaking down love into these three components, the theory can help us better understand the complex nature of relationships.

The Triangular Theory of Love proposes eight different types of love, each characterized by a unique combination of the three elements. These types include non-love, liking, infatuated, empty, romantic, companionate, fatuous, and consummate love. Each class has distinct features and implications for relationships, making the theory a valuable tool for understanding the complexities of love.

Sternberg’s Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love: Explained and Simplified - Psychologily (1)

Regarding understanding love, Robert Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love is a popular framework that has gained widespread acceptance in psychology. This theory proposes that love comprises three primary components: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Each of these components plays a unique role in shaping the nature of a given relationship.


According to Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love, the three components of love are as follows:

  1. Intimacyrefers to the emotional closeness and connectedness that two people share. It involves feelings of warmth, trust, and mutual understanding. Intimacy is crucial for building strong, healthy relationships, as it allows partners to feel safe and secure with one another.
  2. Passionrefers to the intense physical and emotional attraction that two people share. It involves feelings of desire, excitement, and arousal. Passion is an essential component of love, as it helps to fuel the initial stages of a relationship and keep the spark alive over time.
  3. Commitmentrefers to the decision to stay with one’s partner and work towards a shared future together. It involves feelings of dedication, loyalty, and responsibility. Commitment is critical for building long-lasting, stable relationships, as it provides a sense of security and stability.


Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love was first introduced in 1986 in a paper published in the Psychological Review. Since then, it has become one of psychology’s most widely recognized and influential theories of love. The theory has been used to explain various interpersonal relationships, from romantic partnerships to friendships and familial bonds.

While the theory has its critics, many researchers have found it to be a valuable tool for understanding the complex nature of love and relationships. By breaking love down into its parts, Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love offers a framework for understanding the different factors contributing to a given relationship’s success or failure.

Components of The Theory

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love suggests that love consists of three components: Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. Each component plays a unique role in the formation of a loving relationship. In this section, we will discuss each of these components in detail.


Intimacy refers to emotional closeness and connectedness between two individuals. It involves feelings of trust, understanding, and mutual support. Intimacy is characterized by open and honest communication, sharing personal thoughts and feelings, and a sense of comfort and safety in each other’s company.

Intimacy can be expressed in various ways, such as through deep conversations, physical touch, and acts of kindness. Couples with a strong sense of intimacy often feel a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their relationship.


Passion refers to the romantic and physical attraction between two individuals. It involves feelings of desire, excitement, and sexual attraction. Passion is often characterized by physical touch, sexual intimacy, and romantic gestures.

Passion can be expressed in various ways, such as through kissing, hugging, holding hands, and engaging in sexual activity. Couples with a strong sense of passion often feel deep excitement and attraction towards each other.


Commitment refers to the decision to maintain the love in the long term. It involves feelings of loyalty, dedication, and responsibility towards each other. Commitment is often characterized by a willingness to work through challenges, support each other’s goals, and sacrifice for the relationship.

Commitment can be expressed in various ways, such as through making plans together, supporting each other’s dreams, and making sacrifices for the relationship. Couples with a strong commitment often feel a deep sense of security and stability in their relationship.

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love suggests that love comprises three components: Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment. Each component plays a unique role in forming a loving relationship, and couples with a strong sense of all three components often feel a deep sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Types of Love According to Sternberg

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love proposes that love comprises intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment. These three components combine to create eight different types of love. Let’s explore them below.


Nonlove is the absence of all three components of love. A lack of intimacy, passion, and commitment characterizes this relationship. An example of nonlove would be two strangers walking past each other on the street.


Liking is the presence of only one component of love: intimacy. Liking is characterized by closeness and warmth towards someone without passionate or committed feelings. An example of liking would be two coworkers who have a friendly relationship but no romantic interest in each other.

Infatuated Love

Infatuated love is the presence of only one component of love, passion. Infatuated love is characterized by intense desire and excitement without intimacy or commitment. An example of infatuated love would be a crush on someone you just met.

Empty Love

Empty love is the presence of only one component of love, commitment. A commitment to a relationship without intimacy or passion characterizes empty love. An example of empty love is two people who have been married for a long time but no longer have romantic feelings for each other.

Romantic Love

Romantic love is the presence of two components of love, intimacy and passion. Romantic love is characterized by strong emotional and physical attraction towards someone without long-term commitment. An example of romantic love would be a new couple who are deeply in love but have not made any long-term plans together.

Companionate Love

Companionate love is the presence of two components of love, intimacy and commitment. A deep emotional connection and commitment to a long-term relationship without intense passion characterize companionate love. An example of companionate love would be an elderly couple who have been married for decades and have a deep emotional connection but may no longer have a physical relationship.

Fatuous Love

Fatuous love is the presence of two components of love, passion and commitment. Fatuous love is characterized by a whirlwind romance leading to a quick commitment without real emotional intimacy. An example of fatuous love would be a couple who get married after only knowing each other for a short period.

Consummate Love

Consummate love is the presence of all three components of love, intimacy, passion, and commitment. Consummate love is characterized by a deep emotional connection, intense physical attraction, and a long-term commitment to a relationship. An example of consummate love would be a couple who have been together for many years and have a strong emotional and physical connection and a commitment to each other for the long term.

According to Sternberg’s Triangular Theory, understanding the different types of love can help us better understand our relationships and what components of love may be present or absent.

Applications of The Theory

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love has many practical applications in psychology. Here are two significant applications of the theory.

Relationship Counseling

Relationship counseling is one of the most common applications of Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love. The theory can help couples understand the nature of their relationship and identify areas that need improvement. For instance, if a couple has a strong sense of intimacy but lacks passion, the theory suggests they may need to improve their physical and romantic connection. Similarly, if a couple has a strong sense of passion but lacks commitment, the theory suggests that the couple may need to work on building a long-term commitment.

The theory can also help counselors identify the root cause of relationship problems. For example, if a couple is experiencing issues with commitment, the counselor may use the theory to explore the underlying factors contributing to the problem. By understanding the nature of the couple’s relationship, the counselor can develop a treatment plan that addresses the couple’s specific needs.

Understanding Personal Relationships

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love can also be used to understand personal relationships. The theory suggests that love comprises intimacy, passion, and commitment. By understanding these components, individuals can gain insight into their relationships and identify areas that need improvement.

For example, suppose an individual has a strong sense of intimacy but lacks passion. In that case, the theory suggests that the individual may need to build a more romantic and physical connection with their partner. Similarly, if an individual has a strong sense of passion but lacks commitment, the theory suggests that the individual may need to work on building a stronger long-term commitment.

Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love is a valuable tool for understanding and improving personal relationships. By understanding the nature of love, individuals can develop more fulfilling and satisfying relationships with their partners.

Critiques of The Theory

While Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love is widely recognized and influential in psychology, it is not without its critiques. This section will explore some of the criticisms raised against this theory.

One of the main criticisms of the Triangular Theory of Love is that it oversimplifies the complexity of human relationships. While the theory suggests that love can be broken down into three components, many argue that other factors contribute to the experience of love, such as trust, respect, and shared values. Additionally, some argue that the theory needs to account for the different ways people experience love, such as through friendships, familial relationships, or non-romantic partnerships.

Another critique of the Triangular Theory of Love is that it lacks empirical support. While the theory has been widely discussed and debated in academic circles, limited empirical evidence supports its claims. Some studies have attempted to test the theory using Sternberg’s Triangular Love Scale, but the results have been mixed, with some studies finding support for the theory and others finding little to no evidence of its validity.

Finally, some have criticized the Triangular Theory of Love for being too focused on Western cultural norms and values. A Western psychologist developed the theory, which has primarily been studied in Western countries, which raises questions about its applicability to other cultures and societies. Critics argue that the theory may need to accurately capture the experience of love in non-Western cultures, where different values and norms may shape people’s understanding and expression of love.

While the Triangular Theory of Love has contributed significantly to our understanding of love and relationships, it is essential to recognize its limitations and critiques. By acknowledging these critiques, we can continue to refine and improve our experience of what it means to love and be loved.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the three components of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love?

According to Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, there are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. Intimacy refers to emotional closeness and connectedness, passion refers to romantic and physical attraction, and commitment refers to the decision to maintain the love in the long term.

What are the four stages of Sternberg’s triangular theory of love?

Sternberg’s triangular theory of love includes four stages: liking, infatuation, empty love, and consummate love. Liking involves only intimacy, infatuation involves only passion, empty love involves only commitment, and consummate love involves all three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

What is empty love?

Empty love is the stage in Sternberg’s triangular theory of love, where only commitment is present. This means that there is no emotional closeness or physical attraction in the relationship.

What is consummate love, according to Sternberg?

Consummate love is the ultimate form of love in Sternberg’s triangular theory of love. It involves all three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment. This means that there is emotional closeness, physical attraction, and a long-term commitment in the relationship.

What is the psychology definition of fatuous love?

Fatuous love is a type of love that involves passion and commitment, but lacks intimacy. This means that there is physical attraction and a long-term commitment, but no emotional closeness in the relationship.

Is Sternberg’s triangular theory of love considered accurate?

Sternberg’s triangular theory of love has been widely accepted and studied in the field of psychology. However, some researchers have criticized the theory for oversimplifying the complexity of love and relationships. While it may not be a perfect representation of all types of love, it provides a useful framework for understanding the different components and stages of love.

Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love: Explained and Simplified - Psychologily (2024)


Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love: Explained and Simplified - Psychologily? ›

Also, Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love proposes intimacy, commitment, and passion are the three components that can be used to understand love's nature. Sternberg was the proponent of the triangular theory of love that explains various types of love through three scales: passion, commitment, and intimacy.

What is the explanation of Sternberg's triangular theory of love? ›

The triangular theory of love holds that love can be understood in terms of three components that together can be viewed as forming the vertices of a triangle. The triangle is used as a metaphor, rather than as a strict geometric model. These three components are intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment.

What is the triangle method in love psychology? ›

The triangular theory of love explains the topic of love in an interpersonal relationship. Psychologist Robert Sternberg's theory describes types of love based on three different scales: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

What are the three primary components of Sternberg's triangular theory of love? ›

Psychologist Robert Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love identifies three components of love: Intimacy, Passion, and Commitment.

What is Sternberg's triangular theory of love __________________? ›

The triangular theory of love is a theory of love developed by Robert Sternberg. In the context of interpersonal relationships, "the three components of love, according to the triangular theory, are an intimacy component, a passion component, and a commitment component."

Which statement about Sternberg's triangular theory of love is most? ›

Which statement about Sternberg's triangular theory of love is most accurate? There are three components of love: intimacy, passion, and commitment.

What is the triangular theory of love according to Robert Sternberg quizlet? ›

According to Robert Sternberg's triangular theory of love, consummate love is characterized by: passion, intimacy, and commitment.

What is the triangular theory of love psychology today? ›

They are, in brief, as follows: Intimacy: the quality of a relationship in which partners feel close to each other are able to communicate, and feel connected. Passion: feelings of excitement, desire, and physical arousal. Commitment: the decision to remain in the relationship.

How would you describe the triangular love? ›

The triangular theory of love by Sternberg outlines that love is understood by applying three components: passion, intimacy, and commitment. Intimacy involves the feeling of connectedness, closeness, and boundedness within relationships.

What is the triangular method in psychology? ›

In psychology, triangulation refers to a dynamic that can arise from a conflict between two people. It involves them communicating primarily through a neutral party or otherwise drawing a third person into their own issues, creating a "triangle".

What is the theory of love in psychology? ›

According to the triangular theory of love developed by psychologist Robert Sternberg, the three components of love are intimacy, passion, and commitment. Intimacy encompasses feelings of attachment, closeness, connectedness, and bondedness. Passion encompasses drives connected to both limerance and sexual attraction.

What is the strongest form of intimacy? ›

5: Our Own Needs, Emotions and Desires.

The highest level of intimacy, requires the greatest amount of trust in our relationship. It is only when we feel truly safe with somebody, that we become willing to share the deepest core of who we are. It's up close and personal.

What is the meaning of love triangle? ›

A love triangle is a scenario or circ*mstance, usually depicted as a rivalry, in which two people are pursuing or involved in a romantic relationship with one person, or in which one person in a romantic relationship with someone is simultaneously pursuing or involved in a romantic relationship with someone else.

What is the love triangle method? ›

"The triangle method, or triangular gazing, is a non-verbal flirting technique that involves moving your gaze from one eye of the person you're attracted to, to the other eye, then down to their mouth and back up again," Deon Black tells The Knot. "It's like playing connect-the-dots with someone's face."

What is the relationship triangle in psychology? ›

A relationship triangle throws a third party into the mix and prevents couples from experiencing the intimacy required for shared problem-solving. Rather than solving the conflict, a third party adds a layer of complexity and confusion that can stifle a healthy relationship.

What is the psychology of true love? ›

Passionate love is characterized by intense emotions, sexual attraction, anxiety, and affection. When these intense emotions are reciprocated, people feel elated and fulfilled, while unreciprocated love leads to feelings of despondency and despair.

What happens to one person affects everyone in the relationship is the definition of? ›

Interdependence - what happens to one person affects everyone else in the relationship.

What is an example of passionate love? ›

Example of passionate love

Passionate lovers want to be always close, and they crave physical connection. They kiss and make love so passionately that it makes the attachment stronger. This is where you constantly check on them, asking them if you can meet or spend time together.

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