7. Sin. "Main is to THE EVENING TIMES Founded In 1891 and consolidated with the Valley Record In 1907 The Evening Times is published very evening except Sunday by the Sayre Printing Company, a corporation at Sayre, Pa. Mrs. Annie M.
Stephens, Vice-President; Mrs. Clara Johnston, Treasurer; Frank H. Cook, Secretary. FRANK H. COOK Business and Advertising Manager R.
C. HASCALL News Editor be paved. (r The Minnesota Highway Department has awarded a contract for the iaying of asphaltlc concrete on the main business street of Sauk Center, old hom*o town of the author, made famous by his book. REPUBLICANS MUST APPEARJN COURT TROVIDTSXCE, li. I Aug.
7. William C. l'elky, chairman of the slate central committee, Murray of Boston and John T. Toomey of Johnston, It. must appear in court Friday to plead to indictments charging them with conspiracy to assault Lieut.
Gov Felix A. Toupin and members of the lthode Island senate. Indictments against the three were returned by a special grand jury Monday night and are the outgrowth of a riot in the senate chamber June 19. A gas bomb was ALBANY SUFFERING, FROM INTENSE HEAT ALBANY, Aug. 7.
Albany and vicinity has been sweltering for twenty-four hours under a blanket of oppressive humidity which has failed to lift with a night thunderstorm and flurries of rain tills morning. At 10 o'clock this morning the humidity percentage was 90, whereas the normal figure for August is around 0, according to Weather Forecaster Todd. August usually is marked by at least one such spell of uncomfortable weather as the Albany area is now experiencing, he said. Pi. IS.
T'-V7 '-JT LONDON, Aug. 7. "Upon the success of this conference depends the fate of Germany the fate of Europe. Good will and thorough sincerity are necessary to success, and lithat spirit the German delegates purpose to negotiate" Replying in these words to a speech of welcome delivered by Premier Ramsay MacDonuld Chancellor Marx touched off a burst of optimism and good feeing at the inter-ullied reparations conference today. The applause was spontaneous and enthusiastic suid the conference adjourned with the delegates in high spirits.
The Germans, Who arrived here FT A square jaw does not always judicata a powerful mind; sometimes it merely indicates a powerful jaw. 1 to ft i Tho Evemng Times is delivered by carriers in Sayre, Waverly, Athens and South Waverly for 18 cents per week, payable to the carrier boys every week. By mail six dollars per year, payable in advance. Single copies three cents. I 1 TELEPHONES.
Valley: Editor's Office S2-Y. Business Office 32-X 'I Bell Pho ne 2606. Entered at the postoffice at Sayre, as second class mail matter The Evening Times Is the only paper in Northeastern Pennsylvania having a leased wire telegraph service members of The United Press. THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, WU. r.
i ne temperature this morning- 1C was 72, the maximum for the past 21 hours, 92 having been reached yesterday at 5 o'clock daylight released in the chambers at that time. Tho grand jury mulled over the evidence all day Monday. Immediately alter the indict ments had been returned Judge J. Jerome Hahn ot the superior court ordered warrants issued for the three men. Indictments are the latest episode in the battle between Demo this morning and went at once to the plenary session, were handed saving time and the minimum, 67, at o'clock this morning.
The present condition will pre ft Pi i -Ul, -F vail locally for the imediate future, said Todd, who also forecast thunderstorms and rain flurries gonerally. a draft of inter-allied agreements reached during the past fortnight. They promised to be as speedy as possible in studying these agreements. Another plenary session, possibly tomorrow, but more lkely Thurday, will hear their views. Health Messages Timely Suggestions About BY DR.
PERCIV AL D. BAILEY his plant, observe how carefully cratic and Republican members of the state senate. When the gas saturated papers were unloosed in the senate chamber it was in an attempt to end a deadlock which had been going on for 1S hours. Since the gassing occurrence the Republican senators have refused to return to Providence. They blamed the Democrats for the gassing.
Tho Democratic members do not have a quorum and slate business is practically at a he washes his bottles, and whether his employees are cleanly in their habits and properly clothed to hand METHODIST PICNIC All persons driving cars carrying persons to the Metliodist Sunday School picnic at Ideal Park Friday are requested to be at the church at that tags may be given out and all who wish to go he cared for. It is necessary that each car carry as many as it can accomodate. Help make this picnic a success. Commitee. 7Alt le so delicate a food for your baby.
Notice that the oors and windows are very clean, scrubbed daily, that This is the latest photojrrv. of the ivya! family, taken on the twenty-first birthday of Crown Prinou Olar. Left to right are King Haakon, Queen Mauda and I'riiicc Olaf at their Summer hom*o at By gdoe Kocigsgaard. INVESTIGATION UNDER WAY. NEW YORK, Aug.
7. Tljrce investigations were under way today as to cause of a wreck between two elevated trains near Coney Island late Tuesday in which a conductor was killed, three passengers, dangerously injured and a score cut and bruised. Jolin McN'icholas, motorman on one of the trains, was held in $1,000 bail on a technical charge of homicide. Tie said the airbrake control jammed into a neutral position and he could not stop the train. -windows are screened and that no Unsightly Hair Rid-Roots and All OrNoCostl A wonderful new Oriental 'discovery, safely, easily and quickly removes all superfluous hair, from face, arms and legs, roots and all.
Karma, as this discovery is citHed, is made of the finest soothing balsams. When applied, it penetrates towards the hair roots, loosens them and gently eases out jjlhe hairs. No muss. No odor. No growing back of the hair, 8l.rqnger( than ever.
And it leaves the skin clenr, healthy and soft na velvet. Karma is sold by all good dealers such as II. M. Reynolds drug store. Advt.
50 YEARS WED, NOW files are present. Is there an atmosphere of general sanitation in the various rooms, and are tho out OFFERS TO FEED SQUIRRELS Dr. George F. Carling, sponsor FILES SUIT FOR DIVORCE BAPTISTS TO PICNIC Tim Baptists of Waverly, Sayre and Athens are invited to attend a I side surroundings sanitary. Make SUNBFItY, Pa.
Mrs. James P. the same kind of an inspection of Kline, 6S, has started suit for di I oi me squirrels in iiowaiu iMiner i park, wishes to announce that if any persons feel disposed to contribute nuts with whieli to feed the your home and you will be taking tlie first steps in the preservation vorce in tho Northumberland NOTICE The regular meeting of Union Lodge, No. 210, L. A.
to P. of R. T. will be held tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 2 o'clock. A good attendance is desired.
of the health of your family. As picnic at Hoffman's Park, Klmira, tomorrow afternoon at 12: The picnic is arranged Wy the Chemung River Baptist Assoelalion in honor of their Missionary, Miss Elizabeth Strickland, who returns to her work in Assam in September. county court from James P. Kline of Willinmsport, who is ill years There are some people who jns naturally like to poke fun ami sueer at others, and are seldom right themselves. littlo animals, and will leave such nuts at the post office, he will personally see that the food is properly distributed.
you are particular about the milk you feed the baby, be just as particular about every other food. He- old, alleging desertion after SO years of happy married life. Read Times Classified Ads. member that overfeeding is frequently a cause of distress, and "lffWK3WMJ 'Jim fatten aifoiih'iiirhift that (luring these months it is of August is always considered the beginning of tho danger months for the little folks, aud the season Vlifn mother inmst (lake every precaution, not only in the preparation of all foods for the baby, but also correct care of the food until it is consumed. During these months, if tho child Is a nursing baby and is breast-fed, and if the mother uses good judgement in the selection of her own diet, then there is very little to worry about.
if, however, the baby is bottle-tod or is old enough to be allowed other articles of food from the "family table.then every precaution must be taken to safeguard the little nnes, and the foods given, thoughtfully selected for each meal. We never think of the feeding of tiny babies or of growing children, but what we immediatly think, of milk, and we all agree that milk is the best food, bar none. Milk requires the best possible care to preserve it and constant attention to all its containers. Farmers and milk dealers may take tfvery care in tho production and handling of the milk until it is delivered to your door, and unless you 'Continue, this care until it is consumed, it will quickly spoil and become a very dangerous food. Keep it in a cool even temperature and always tightly sealed.
It is always -wise for mothers to quire the source of the milk they are using, and if possible to Inspect the milk station that is producing and bottling the milk. WaTI: around to your dealers some hot August day, ask to walk through ten wise to sessen the quantity. 1 Food slightly spoiled may set up a tickets now. -1 Come let's go Boost Your Chautauqua. disturbance very quickly, and it such happens, you will almost im mediately seesa change in the stools.
Often the stools are the first indication of 'trouble, and a CD CO CO change of color, odor, couslstancy are a that things are not right. If the stool becomes too oily, gassy, too hard or too soft, watery, greenish in spots, changing in color upon standing, then tho first' and best preventative measure is a good big dose of castor oil, and always remember in giv ing castor oil that you cannot overdose and that it is the one is 3 safe laxative to give to babies. Well, babies are always happy and content little people, and when they become cross and irritable it is pretty sure indication of some thing wrong. The presence juf GROCERIES HUSBAND SAID WHjf NOT TRY IT Wife Staid She Would. Result, Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Made Her Well, wd Strong ''Asi East Hardwick Vermont.
"Last winter I was not able to do any work fiEAl CO CO a CO TO fa fever, coliky cramps, and diarrhoea are signs that you should call your; physician at once. Alvays save the last few diapers for him to see. One' of the great causes of our high death rate of babies and little children is that "We fathers and mothers pay too little attention to the complaints of our children" and are apt to belittle their efforts to tell us they are feeling bad. Let me say a word about tho daily bath. Be very particular about the bath.
It should be given daily, at a temperature of 90 to 95 degrees gradually lowering as the child grows older. Always use the- best soap either a gd cas-liie soay oi any oilier wuii recommended soap that will not sting your topgue when it is touched to it. Use a soft turkish towel for drying, and I always recommend a high grade talcum or dusting powder, afterward. It will soothe any irritation of the skin and is very pleasing in effects. Never give a cold sponge to a little baby on a hot day, and if you do resort to lat au.
lhad back THE success of any table depends so much on the Groceries used that its choice should always receive first attention. When you purchase' your Groceries at the QUALITY SERVICE STORES you are guaranteed such success and ou save money at the sanie time. A hi headache, sideache, and was sick all the time for six months. We read about Lydia E. Pink-ham's Vegetable Compound in the newspapers, and my husband said to me, 'Why don't you try So I said I would, and TO to a inp1 fy SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY FailCV No.
1 New Potatoes Fresh From New Car Just Unloaded lie went and got me a dozen bottles. Peck 30c cold sponging the older children, be very careful to rub the body well afterward with the sowtest towel. Dress your baby in the lightest weight clothes you can find during it has done me more good than I can ever tell, and my friends say, What have you done to yourself? You look so well. I tell them it is the Vegetable Compound that makes me so well and strong. There is no use to suffer with backache and pains.
I will tell every one what it has done for me." Mrs. Fred. Primo, Route No. 2, E. Hard-wick, Vermont.
Housewives make a great mistake in allowing themselves to become so ill that it is well-nigh impossible for them to attend to their household duties. 98 out of every 100 report they were benefited by its uae. Ifor gale by druggists everywhere. the summer months, avoid the CO to; v. Silver Cream, large 25c The Oldest and Best Silver Polish on the market Granulated Sugar, Pure Cane, lb.
7 1 -2c Unloading Car Today Cut Loaf Sugar, 1-2 size cakes, 2 lb. box, 20c Swans Down Pie and Cake Flour, lg. 35c P. and G. Soap, 5 for Borax Soap, 5 for Fancy Toilet Soap, 5 for Campbell's Soup Pint Jar Mustard 25c 25c 25c i 10c 15c woolens, use the silk and cotton or linen mixtures, remove the heavy bands, and you will not only make the little one more comfortable but avoid the tendency toward prickly heat.
The object of this article is simply a friendly word of information and warning to young mothers in an effort to help them avoid and prevent some of the dreaded summer diseases of children. TO TO TO 22c -S" Cream of Wheat, large pkg. TO CO Weekly DANCE N. Y. STATE FUNDS TO BE WITHDRAWN FROM CITY BANKS Bring in Your Octagon Soap Coupons for Free Goods V.
ALBANY, Aug. 7. As a result or refusal of three New York Citibanks to continue payment" of three per interest on state funds, FRANK WARBURTON, 422 So. Keystone Sayre. Phone 384A LEON LOOMIS, 206 So.
Main Athens. Phone 224X EDW.THEETGE' 142 So. Keystone Sayre. Phone 301C State Treasurer George K. Shuleri today announced he will withdraw! approximately $1,500,000 from tly banks and distribute them gener-j ally among upstate institutions.
The latter said Shuler, have in- GEO. B. RICHARDS, 800 Church Athens. Phone 447A HOPE SON, 108 W. Lockhart Sayre.
Phone 121X ARNOLD, M00RE FERGUSON 332 So. Main Athens. Phone 132X I dicated they will be glad to pay, 3 per cent. Formal request that; I the interest rate be cut at least! one per was made by three at the C-R-E-S-T j- Tonight Masteller and his Happy Four, formerly with Leo Scott, will furnish, music. 10c per dance.
We reserve the right to reject. 9 to 12 New York City banks some time 1 it being contended they could 1 1 -j EDW. W. ARMSTRONG, North Main Athens. Phone 43X JAMES J.
HART, 99 Stevens.on Sayre. Phone 23X W. J. HARRIS 203 Pennsylvania Phone 453X Inot afford to continue to pay the rate on account of the present de-! CO TO TO TO Co 1 TO CO presslon i Shuler pointed out today that a cut of one per cent, on the state interest rate on $61,000,000 now in the general fund and ou deposit in banks throughout tho state, would mean loss to state of $5,121 W.LTEED'SSON, 206 Desmond Sayre. Phone 160A LESLIE R.
REYNOLDS, 401 Stevenscta Sayre. Phone-462A GEO. VASTBINDER, 401 Fulton South Waverly. Phone 452 Quality Service Stores Quality Service Stores Watch for this page of Grocery Bargains a aay. lie uecnneu io luunmy me New York banks that had maile pj the request for a cut in the interest in in i If J.IIW XiJmli rate..