0) FOURTEEN SAYRE, MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1930 WELL. ANYHOW. DAD GETS A NECKTIE Figures He's Lucky and That Christmas Is a Great Occasion "Christmas," said a Sayre daddy today, "is a great institution, a day of days, a grand and glorious occasion, if you know what I mean. "About a month ago the missus began her Christmas shopping and she's been at it ever since. She's bought something for all of her relatives and all of mine.
Her presents include something for some of the neighbors kiddies and a whole lot for our own youngsters. "Along about January first I will have to get a new license for the car. My insurance will come due, the coal bin will need refilling and there will be a lot of other year-end expenses. Does that make any difference to the missus in her spending orgy? It does not. "Junior just had to have a new coat and a new suit.
Little Mary's shoes are all worn out for the third time since the Fourth of July. Joe writes home from college that he has been honored by being elected to membership in the Etta Hunka Pie and please, dad, send $100 at once for dues. "The stores just seem to be bulging with unusually good Christmas presents this year and, according to the missus, it's a crime not to take advantage of the bargains. She's not committing any crime in this respect. Then, too, there's the unemployed to be looked after.
Got to do my bit for them and I am doing it. May be on my uppers myself some day. You never can tell. "Have ordered a Christmas tree, a turkey and the usual accessories and believe the worst of the spending is over. Christmas morning when the kiddies get up at daylight and start their all-day shrieking with joy I will try and be repaid for what it has cost me just noticing how happy they are.
"The missus will take the skates, dresses, suits, shoes, toys, jewelry, etc. off the tree and the entire family will go into a fit of jubilization over what Santa has brought them. It sure will be a great day. "After everyone else has received five or six presents Junior will finally calm down and notice that the only one without anything is daddy. He'll ask about it and the missus will look rather surprised and, after a search of the tree, ejacul*te: "'Here's daddy's present' (handing me the 25 cent necktie) 'isn't it pretty, daddy, don't you just adore i it LARGE CROWD IN CHURCHES TO SEE HOLIDAY PROGRAMS (Continued From Page Two.) hand instrument used' when the church was first opened was used.
Yesterday the remodeled and 'enlarged organ, driven by electricity, was played to the public for the first time. This full cathedral toned instrument with its 20-note chimes delighted its listeners both in the morning and the evening. A short musical program with Miss Katherine Eike as soloist and the St. Cecelia choir furnished the evening's program at the Episcopal church. "Hark, Hark, My Soul" and "Guide Me, 0 Thou Great Jehovah" were the selections sung.
A special message by Rev. John Roberts carried out the Yule Tide spirit at the Free Methodist church. Due to repairs to the auditorium the special Christmas music at the Church of Christ has been postponed until next Sunday. Most of the churches will have a special service Christmas eve or morning. Lutheran Church Children were in the spotlight at the St.
John's Lutheran church last night. Members of the Sunday school classes told of Christin verse and song. "The program included a song "In a Lowly Manger" sung by the members of the primary department; "Christmas Welcome" by Walter Stickles; "Merry Christmas" by James Daniels; "The Christmas Baby" by Doris Landback; "Welcome Him" by Frank Titus; "We're Glad" by Dean and Norman duck; "Great Expectations" by La- CHRISTMAS Flowers WHEN SHE READS YOUR CARD ROSES ARE HER GIFT--NOTHING ELSE WILL TAKE THEIR PLACE AND NO MATTER WHAT ELSE YOU GIVE -SEND FLOWERS, TOO. Lowest Flower Prices In Years Xmas Special BEAUTIFUL MOST LASTING OF ALL PLANTS. AT CHRISTMAS THE CYCLAMEN MONTHS EXCELLENT AND STORE WINTER FOR (DELIVERED TO HOSPITAL ONLY) All Other Plants and Cut Flowers Priced So Low That Everyone Can Have Flowers for Christmas.
SPECIAL XMAS WREATHS AND PLANTS SAYRE FLORAL CO. TELEPHONE 798-A RECESS PRACTICES AHEAD OF HI FIVE Coach Young Will Drill Red and Blue Men During Vacation Sayre high school basketball squad will practice during the later part of their Christmas vacation to get into shape for the initial game of the regular league schedule shortly after the holidays. Coach Charles Young will have charge of the boys during the absence 0. Coach William Brown who will still be out of the town. Practice for the red and blue cagemen will start on Monday afternoon, December 29 at 3:30 o'clock.
As most of the players are green material the fundamentals of the game will be stressed during the practice sessions under the eagle eye of Coach Young. All the players are expected to appear for the workouts. A game with Athens will lift the lid off the league schedule for the Sayre quintet. DR. HARRY S.
FISH RETURNS TO HIS HOME Dr. Harry S. Fish, who, while convalescing from pneumonia was removed to the Tioga County General hospital in Waverly for observation about two weeks ago, has so far recovered that yesterday he was taken back to his home on West Lockhart street, Sayre. Dr. Guy Carpenter, one of his attending physicians, said today that his condition is now such that his complete recovery is expected soon.
Sayre Personals Cadet William L. Taylor, has returned from Virginia Polytechnic Institute to the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William L. Taylor, of 520 West Lockhart street.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Baker of Dushore are enroute to St. Petersburg, today. They spent Friday and Saturday with relatives on North Keystone avenue before starting the southward journey.
The condition of Thomas Reagan of 227 Spring who has been a patient of the Robert Packer hospital for the last five weeks, is greatly improved. Mrs. J. Elton Turner of Pittsburgh is spending the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Grace Reynolds of Stedman street.
Edward Turner is ill at his home on South Elmer avenue. Miss Amy Kelly of Sayre is spending a few days in LeRoy, Pa. and Rochester, N. Y. AGED WOMAN SMOKER HEALTHY OAKLAND (UP)-Mrs.
Lefia Bickford, 81, has been smoking a pipe nearly three quarters of a century. She is still hale and hearty. She smoked for the first time when eight, acquiring the habit from her mother. Verne Etshman; "Little Folks Welcome" by Thelma Cole; "The Christmas Story" by Reed Titus, Ralph Krotzer, Carl Etshman, Melvin England and John Kline. "Merry Christmas" by Mary Shadler; "The Christ Child" by Betty Thennes; "Waiting for Christmas" by Robert Yale; "Christmas Bells" by Helen Daniels; "A Christmas Prayer" by Jane Burdett; "Once Upon a Time" by Gertrude Stethers; "A Christmas Wish" by Grace Miller; and "Closing Thanks" by Agnes Kline.
A hymn Little Town of Bethlehem" was sung by the pupils of the entire school. The remainder of the program included: "Gifts of Love" a by Viola Titus: "The Christmas Wish" by Fred Shadler; "The Christmas Secret" a duet by Sara Kline and Katherine Titus; "The Man Who Made the Manger" by Daniel Erie: "What I Like Best About an exercise by Esther Titus, Alice Zaner, Frances Stickles, Evelyn England, Rita Landback and Katherine Stethers; "Heralds of a duet, by Edith Kline and Laura Kline. "Rhapsody on Old Carol Melodies" was played by, Mrs. George B. French on the organ.
At the close of the program the honor students were given books. Those who had perfect attendance included Evelyn Erle, Clair Daniels, Charles Daniels, Paul Seibel, Raymond Daniels and Edward Dan iels. Faithful attendance books were presented to Betty Thennes, Evelyn England, Mary Shadler, Laura England, Charlide Chaffee, Elouise Daniels, Leon Daniels, Max Shad ler, James Daniels, Howard Daniels, Fred Shadler and George Titus. These students missed five or less Sundays during the past year. A gift of gold was presented to Rev.
E. M. Beysher by Miss Anna Enevoldsen on behalf of the church council. It is the 31st Christmas fo: Rev. Beysher at St.
John's. The committee in charge of the program was made up of Miss May Fisher, Miss Jessie Daniels, Mrs. Helen Proof and George C. Patterson. At the morning services Mrs.
French played "Christmas" and "Variations on an Ancient Christmas Carol." Wyalusing WYALUSING, Dec. 20-Mr. and Mrs. James Morton, Mr. and Mrs.
Edwin Stout, Robert Danks and Miss Idella Stout of West Pittston and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robertson of Pittston were Saturday's guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R.
A. Morton. Mrs. Burt Tozer of Waverly is visiting her sister, Mrs. G.
C. Bruster. Mrs. Fanna Camp Mrs. Fanna Stewart Camp, widow the late John Camp of Herrick, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
J. C. Lee, Thursday afternoon, December 17, aged 84 years. Funeral services were held Sunday morning at 11:30 o'clock. Burial was in Camptown.
Misses Frances Dimock and Jean Van Horn and Wayne Lyon, students at Temple university, are at their homes for the holiday vacation. Mr. and Mrs. R. K.
Morse of LeRoy were Thursday guests at the home of their son, Perley Morse and family. Mr. and Mrs. Perley Morse, daughter Betty and son "Buddy" spent Friday in Wilkes-Barre. Mrs.
F. N. Wells and Mrs. W. W.
Gaylord spent Friday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Adams at Lovelton. Mrs. Martha Kennedy of Merryall spent Friday afternoon in this place.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Newman entertained Mrs.
Miton Myer and Victor Myer of Boston and Mrs. Marguerite Pitcher of Binghamton Tuesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Messersmith and daughter, Mildred, and Miss June Harring of Scranton and Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Messersmith of Dushore were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oliver. E.
S. Tupper, who has been a patient at the Packer hospital for the past few weeks suffering from injuries received in -an automobile accident returned to his home in this place Monday last. Frank Schultze fell Saturday last and sprained his right ankle. Mrs. T.
G. Baxter was called to Clinton, Delaware, last week by the death of a brother. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Larkin, Mrs.
Margaret Larkin and Mrs. Walter Morris attended the funeral services of Miss Mary Brady at Waverly Friday last. Mrs. Arthur Norconck and daughter Viola and Mrs. John Norconck of Wilmot were Saturday's guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis Schram. The Fortnightly club met Wednesday evening last at the high GYPSY IN HOSPITAL SUSPECTED OF THEFT CORNING, Dec. 22-Police today believe that a gypsy woman who is in a Philadelphia hospital for the removal of a goitre is the same one who fleeced John McMahon of $262, his life's savings on July 16. An effort is being made by police and McMahon her as the woman who took money.
identity, A warrant in the name of Jennie Roe has been issued for her arrest. school auditorium. The hostesses were Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. Ralph Dibble, Mrs.
Lottie Canfield and Mrs. J. V. Taylor the last named acting for Miss Adah Homet. The stage was decorated with the Christmas colors and the program was in keeping with the holiday season.
Mrs. M. H. VanNess of Rummerfield was a guest at the Fortnightly club meeting Wednesday evening. Mrs.
M. N. Tompkins of Ithaca is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B.
A. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Welles were Tuesday guests at the home of Mrs. Edward Welles in WilkesBarre. Word was received by relatives yesterday of the death of Mrs. Bookman of Elmhurst. She will be remembered as Miss Rosa Howell.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Allis of Lewistown were guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs. N.
H. Allis last weekend. Miss Muriel Harmon spent last. week-end at the home of Mrs. Slocum and Miss Hines.
Mrs. R. J. Crandall and daughters, Electra and Sara, spent Friday evening with relatives in this place. GEORGE CARRINGTON George C.
Carrington, 75, a resident of Sayre for the last 15 years, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Joseph Schock, of 319 North Lehigh avenue at 12:30 o'clock this morning. Mr. Carrington is survived by a son, Levi, of Lockhart, two daughters, Mrs. Schults of Weston, and Mrs.
Schock, and one brother, Otis C. Carrington of Sayre. Funeral services will be held at the Schock home at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon, Rev. Glen B. Walter, rector of the Church of the Redeemer, officiating.
Burial will be in Tioga Point cemetery. Read Times Classified Ads. Times Classified Ads Always Bring Results the WORLD at your Finger Lips 160 150 You electric own radio. the The world King when of you England own speaks this of Come the in many today features and of hear it. General Electric Radio.
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Now we offer our customers the very last word in radio a new General Electric equipped with remote control if desired. This wonderful invention enables you to sit in your easy in your dining room or den and touch a button. Your choice of six stations comes in. Touch another and it grows loud or another, and your radio stops. That's the magic of remote just one Associated Gas and Electric System Northern Pennsyivania Power Company (GAS ELECTRIC 239 DESMOND STREET, SAYRE, PA.
Sate $20,000 STOCK MEN'S, WOMEN'S, CHILDREN'S QUALITY SHOES AND RUBBERS Justa Few More Days Xmas Slippers at these wonderful Boys' Hi all colors Sewed Soles savings Do your Solid Xmas Shopping Leather up Here $1.95 SAYRE BOOT SHOP Open Evenings Open Evenings Until Xmas 135 W. LOCKHART ST. SAYRE, PA. Until Xmas.