The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)

Sayre, Athens, Wli Waverly, and Waverfy, N.T. i THE EVENING TIMES, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 1947 PAE TWO with the Lehigh Valley railroad as ments were made by Albert superintendent of lubrication. He resided at 319 South Elmer ave Disagree on Rent Control at Senate Hearing Polyhymnia Club Frank, board, president. Sayreites were asked to coop a resident oi sayre irom lyza until his death in 1934. Plans Begun for Firemen Session erate with the firemen by saving waste paper of all kinds for the It is estimated that there is one printing plant for every 3,600 people of the United States.

Meets at Home of Mrs. E. A. Tilton Brother of Former Sayreite Is Dead George R. Issaeff, formerly of Owego, and brother of the late Anatole Issaeff, of Sayre, died in Stratford, Jan.

24, according to word received here. Born of Russian nobility, Mr. Issaeff was an officer of the Czar-ist army in World War was captured during the Revolution, im-Drisoned bv the Bolshevists and collection March 2. Funds from the sale of the paper will be added to the department's ambulance fund. Training in the use of the iron lung will be given at the Waverly fire station in the village hall, next Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, Mr.

Frank announced. Sayre firemen were asked by the chief to attend, so that they will be able to operate the device in case of need. TO EASE MISERY OF CHILD'S COLD The Waverlv Polyhymnia club RUB OH WICKS met last evening at the home uf Mrs. Edson Tilton on HowaM street, Waverly, and enjoyed a program of the music of England and Ireland. Mrs.

Archie Muir was chairman of the program and Mrs. VVAPORUB Preliminary plans for the next meeting of the Valley Firemen's association, scheduled for May 1, in Sayre, were started last might by the Sayre Fire board. The board also heard that members of the department will receive instruction in the use of the portable iron lung recently presented to the Valley by the Waverly Moose lodge. Plans were made for another scrap paper collection March 2. James Short was named chairman of the banquet committee for the Valley Firemen's session, and James Lowe was appointed chairman of the entertainment and committee with Harry Zeller as co-chairman.

Aappoint- William Arnold and Mrs. Krill were accompanists. imi i ij ii ill miii wiiiimii in I v- Mi The program was presented as narrowly escaped execution. He finally escaped into Crimea, and from there went with his family to Serbia and then Greece. Later they obtained passage on a hospital ship to the United States, Mr.

Issaeff as a steward and his wife as an interpreter. follows: Book review, "Music appreciation," by Harry Allan Feld- IS EPILEPSY INHERITED? WHAT CAUSES IT? A booklet containing the opinions of famous doctors on this Interesting subject will be sent FREE, while they last, to any reader writing to the Educational Division, 537 Fifth New York, N. Dept. B. man, Mrs.

W. W. iirecK; piano duet, "Overature," by Rossini, Two Area Persons Hurt in Accidents Two vicinity persons weer taken to the Robert Packer hospital Tuesday for treatment of injuries after accidents. Arthur Allis of Wysox R. D.

1 dropped a casting on his left foot at the Athens Foundry where he is employed. The foot was badly bruised but there were no fractured bones. Charles E. Sites of Towanda R. D.

1 fell from a platform of a ma Mrs. Ralph Fravel, Mrs. imams: vocal solo. "The Lass With the Anatole Issaeff came to Sayre from Owego and was employed Delicate Air," by Arne, Miss Har riet Lewis; piano solo, 'Love Greeting," by Elger, Mrs. Sutton; vocal solo, "ine rieau Bowed Down," by Balfe, Mrs.

William Merrill; vocal solo, "Drm. Gas on Stomach ttitf4 i mMt imtbk im mm; back Wbea aemt stomacb ciuui ptinful, ruffoctt-fet (u wur itoHiirh and heartburn, docton mmltf lUMcnbe Um fit-Ktltif nwiiclnei known tot symptomatic relief medicioti like thoM In Bell-tru Tablett. No laiaMf. Bell-ana brlrw comfort In tUQr at ntunt botU to ui (ot doubla bark. ISi To Me Only with Thine Eyes Old English, Mrs.

Robert Draper. Piano solo, "Sonata Noll," by nure spreader fracturing his jaw, Arne, Mrs. Williams; piano duet, THIS WEEK'S RELEASE and lacerating his chin. He was treated and discharged to return for further treatment today. "The 'Beetle's Dance," Hoist, Mrs.

Leon Betowski, Mrs. Tilton; dou ble quartet and solo, "List! The Cherubic Host," from "The Holy CHEF'S Hornbrook Notes City," Gaul, soloist, Mrs. Warrsn Knapp; double quartet, Mrs. MRS. CHARLES L.

MacMORRAN Charlene Sutton, Mrs. Merrill, Mrs. Muir, Mrs. John Owen, Miss Lewis, Mrs. John Slater, Mrs.

Wil SPECIAL The W. S. C. will sponsor a COLUMBIA RECORDS community get-together on Fri ton Hall, Mrs. George button.

The next meeting on February 18 will feature the music of Hungary, Bohemia and Poland. Mrs. Arthur Abel will be hostess. Miss Lewis is chairman. EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT of the National Association of Real Estate Boards Herbert U.

Nelson (left), Chicago, is shown as he told the Senate Banking Committee, in Washington, that only an "across-the-board" rent increase will compensate landlords for the losses they have suffered. Shortly afterward, James B. Carey (right), secretary-treasurer of the CIO, blasted the threatened 10 percent increase In rent ceilings and called for the ouster of Maj. Gen. Philip Fleming as temporary controls administrator.

(International Soundphoto) Open the Door Richard Nicholas THE THREE FLAMES day evening at 7 o'clock. Each family is asked to bring, table service, sandwiches and dish of food. William McGovern of Elmira spent the weekend at the Frank That's How Much I Love You I Got a Gal I Love FRANK SINATRA 1 Estate Letters Issued THURSDAY Chaffee home. Mrs. Pratt Chaffee spent Wednesday with Comdr.

and Mrs James Fisher of Towanda. There's a Big Rock in the Road I'm Gonna Be Boss from Now On BOB WILLIS TEXAS PLAYBOYS School Board Meeting Postponed for Week The School Board meeting originally scheduled to be held last evening was postponed until Tuesday evening, Feb. 11. Mrs. E.

M. Beysher, Mrs. Helen Three letters testamentary and two letters of administration have been issued by Surrogate Judge Ulster News MATTIE M. HOWIE Phone 54-R-4 Francis J. Clohessy in Owego dur Anybody's Love Song I'm Gonna Lasso a Dream ing the past week.

-TOMMY TUCKER TIME Newhouse, Jack Newhouse and Mr. and Mrs. LuVerne Teed of Sayre called Sunday afternoon on Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Lewis.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Horton and children of Windham were guests Letters testamentary have been MACARONI CHEESE HAMBURG PATTIE Choice of Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes, Bread, Butter and Coffee or Tea issued in the estate of A. W. Bou How Are Things in Gloca Mora If This Isn't Love ton, late of Waverly, to his widow, BUDDY CLARK Marion Bouton Kellogg.

Personal Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Dan ilor ton. property value was not listed and real property is not included. Rev.

Harrison DeWalt, Esther Horton, Edna Smith, Phyllis Barrowcliff, Shirley Barrowcliff lack of accommodations there. Leon Sherman has sold his property, on Smithneld street to Andrew Phelps, and plans to make his- future home with his niece, Mrs. Alfred Scofield and family at Galeton. Arthur Miller has been substituting on RD 2 for a couple of weeks, as his father has been suffering from a sever attack of grippe. Mr.

end Mrs. Joseph Purcell of Binghamton were callers at the J. R. Eiffert home Sunday. An all-day meeting of 'the W.

S. C. S. will be held at Mrs. Roger Congdon's on Thursday Feb.

6. Luncheon will be served at 12:30, and all are asked to bring needle and thimble and work will be prq-vided. Mrs. Dodd returned Binghamton Monday after spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs.

P. W. Clark and family at the manso. Mrs. Isabel VanCise of Atnens 55c Letters of administration have been issued in the estate of Elmer Crum, late of Owego, to his nephew, Ralph W.

Crum of Newark, N.J. Personal property will not exceed $1,200. Letters testamentary were granted in the estate of Locey O. Barber, late of Spencer, to his widow, Hattie E. Barber of Spencer.

Personal property will- not exceed $4,500 and real property is listed at $6,000. been issued in the estate of Ben and Mrs. Winfield Smith repre jamin Rounds Fairbanks to his sented the local church at the Due to a change in plans the Study club meeting was held at the Howie home Monday, and members ani guests enjoyed a full afteernoon's program. "China" was the main subject and this was. treated by Mrs.

P. W. Clark, who explained the difficulties of presenting anything typical of the whole country. The country is permeated with business men or salesmen from other countries) she' said, and as they are there solely in th interests of business, their reports of the country are not unbiased and have led to misconcep daughter, Florence S. Thorpe of "JUNIOR" CHEF'S SPECIAL S5e Apaiacnin.

Personal property will Young Peoples meeting in Waver ly on Sunday night. Paul Smeck is attending i fi Ij. F. school at Ithaca. not exceed $800 in value.

COLUMBIA ALBUMS BOOGIE WOOGIE 8 sides by Pete Johnson, Harry James Trio, Count Basie and Others C44 $2.89. BENNY GOODMAN SEXTET "Wang Wang Blues," "As Long As I Live," "Rose Room," Grand Slam, etc. C-103 $2.89 PAUL ROBESON Spirituals Eight best known' Robeson Sellers. M610 $3.94 sellers testamentary were granted to Nettie Lainhart Lloyd or uwego, in tne estate of Elwa Esley Boardman of North Orwell spent some time recently with Mr. and Mrs.

Jack Pipher. In Louisiana's sugar country, the humidity usually is" highef O'BRIENS' CABIN DINER Lloyd, late of Owego. No value in than at any other point in- the the estate was listed. Donna DeKay of Sayre Spent Letters of administration have United States. the weekend here with Mr.

ana tions of China and her people. To WAVERLY BROAD ST. Mrs. Gainard Pipher. fully know these, Mrs.

Clark said, Kg one must know the language which spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. R. Sinclair. DECCA RECORDS The wild and fierce duck hawk sometimes winters in recently nested on a Montreal sky- Mr.

and Mk, A. R. Putnam of Troy were er gue-its on Sun Lazy River Cielito Lindo MILLS BROTHERS Now in Stock IMAGINE!) -I in, day of Mr. Mrs. B.

P. Wal-born. Mrs. Glen Bidlack of Waverly visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.

J. W. Campbell last week. Mrs. Robert Holcombe has been ill for several days.

Mr. and Mrs. Blair Kftir of North Ghent attended morning services at the Methodist church Sunday and were dinner guests of Mr. and George R. Keir.


Store C-X TWO DECCA ALBUMS EVERYBODY WANTS AL JOLSON'S ALBUM from The Jolson Story INK SPOTS ALBUM Latest Release Get Them Now! WEAR EVER ALUMINUM varies in different localities, and one should know several dialects as well as the official language of the icountry. She described southern China as a fertile land, and the northern part as bleak and barren with sparse vegetation, while the inhabitants of north and south differ radically in stature as well as temperament. Mrs. Clark briefly outlined different periods of China history, and attempts at progress proved futile until the end of the Manchu dynasty. Scholarships for Chinese students were first established in America and so many available themselves of the privilege that England and some other countries followed suit in this respect.

She told of the advance in education, awakened interest in religion, and the benefits derived from movements covering sanitation, health and better living conditions, and improved transportation facilities are benefiting the country in every way. Following Mrs. Clark's talk, Mrs. Roger Smith displayed aeronautical maps by which she and Mr. Smith charted their course on their Pure Silk CAPITOL RECORDS It's Lovin' Time Everything's Movin' Too Fast PEGGY LEE iSE nn nl The Things We Did Last Summer You Keep Coming Back Like a Song JO STAFFORD WESTBROOK'S I'll Close My Eyes It's Dreamtime ANDY EndeaVor Group Names Officers Elections of officers to fill unexpired terms were held last evening when the Bradford county Christian Endeavor society met with Miss Peggy Bourdette at her home on First street, Athens.

Scott Sister was elected vice president; Donald and Francis Wheeler were named directors of Leadership training and Miss Hila Smith was named publicity superintendent. At the close of the business session, refreshments were served by the hostess. OS RUSSELL PIED PIPERS FOR GHLY ii MAIN ST. ATHENS, PA. YICTOR RECORDS PRESSURE COOKERS $13.95 Tom Foolery Snootie Little Cutle TOMMY DORSEY BEAUTIFY YOUR WINDOWS WITH DECORATED VALENCE BOARDS Rainbow's End The Funny Thing Called Love VALUE SCOOP! IRREGULAR NYLONS Full Fashion 45 Gauge 1.19 51 Gauge 1.49 FREDDY MARTIN recent plane trip to Florida.

She demonstrated the system of plotting tne course along aerial highways, told many interesting incidents of their trip and showed clippings and souvenirs of their stay and of the AIl-American Air meet which they attended at Miami. Mrs. Smith also attended the meeting of the Dade CouJty Federation of Womens club as one of the group of visiting women fliers who were entertained at luncheon at th3 Coral Gables County club by this association. Mrs. W.

R. Best presided at Monday's meeting, at which announcement was made of the County Federation meeting at Wyalusing in April. Music to Remember from the Life of Chopin JOSE ITURBI No Children Allowed My Heart Went Thal-a-Way Variety Shower to Be Held For Mrs. Miles French A variety shower and box social in honor of Mr. and Mrs.

Miles French will be held at the iormer Howard Merrill farm at Litchfield Friday evening. ROY ROGERS BOLICH BROS. HARDWARE Desmond St. Sayre Kl -00 1 W.T.GRANT Co. 20 DESMOND ST.

Forgive and Forget The Timber Trail Adjustable to fit any window. Complete with brackets to fit over your drapes or Venetian Blinds. SONS OF THE PIONEERS Racing With the Moon Moon Over Miami EACH VAUGHN MONROE Each girl attending is asked to bring a box lunch for auction. Mrs. Harry Campbell of R.D.

1 Nichols is in charge oi arrangements. I Used to Work in Chicago It's a Lie SAMMY KAYE Clearance Sale! Oh! Susanna Square Dance Pop Goes the Weasel with Calls WOODHULL'S Captain Jinks Square Dance The Wearin of the Green with Calls WOODHULL'S Here's rerreshment Three minute talks on different birds by members of the Old Grove Nature club, were the main feature of the program at the January meeting Friday evening. Mrs. D. W.

Mills had as her subject the handsome which she revealed bears different names in different localities. Many of these birds neve been shipped to England under the name of the Virginia nightingale. Mrs. Miles Sear-foss described the cedar waxwing, whose name is derived from the waxlike appendages on its wing feathers. Especially fond of fruits, they show a marked preference for cherries, and are sometimes called cherry birds for this reason.

Mrs. Truman Searfoss revealed that the tufted titmouse is largely a woodland bird and especially addicted to eating the egg masses and larva of insects. The cheerful chickadee was Mattie Howie's subject, and this bird makes a dietetic specialty of the eggs of the canker-worm moth, consuming an esti- The Girl Behind Me Square Dance Triple Right and Left Four with Calls -WOODHULL'S INo01S AND OVERSHOES GIRLS' OVER-THE-SHOE BOOTS $2.95 GIRLS' WARM LINED STADIUM BOOTS MISSES' ONE-SNAP ROMPER BOOTS (Siies to 3) BOYS' HEAVY SOLE RUBBERS (Siies 1 to 6) MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT STORM RUBBERS $3.69 $6.45 $2.45 41.95 $1.95 NEW YICTOR ALBUMS TOMMY DORSEY ALL TIME FAVORITES with Frank Sinatra, Jo Stafford and Pied Pipers P163 $3.31 RUDOLF FRIML MELODIES AI Goodman and HU Orch. Donkey Serenade, Indian Love Call, etc P165 $3.31 DICK LIEBERT AT THE ORGAN Estrellila A -tiss in the Dark When Day Is Done, etc. P164 $3.31.

IEXXESE NIGHTS Favorites by Henri Ren Blue Danube Merry Widow Southern Roses S46 $3.94 mated 5,500 of them per day. The shy nocturnal whip-poor-will who consumes quantities of night in- i sects was treated by Mrs. Francis 1 Drake. Harsher terms were used to describe the blue jay, by Mrs Foster Horton. such as corn rob- i MEN'S Light Weight 4-Buckle Dress Arctics S3.95 MEN'S Heavy 4 Buckle Work Arctics S3.95-S4.95 MEN'S 10 EYELET FELT SHOES $2.95 MEN'S 5 BUCKLE ARCTICS $4.95 MEN'S 12 EYELET ALL RUBBER PAKS $5.95 ber.

nest robber, cannibalistic, 1 noisy and abusive, but a pictur-j esque rascal even so. Descriptions were also given of each birds call, I range, nesting habits, etc. Mrs. Carl Johnson presided at the meet-' ing and named a nominating com-! mittee consisting of Mrs. Truman i Searfoss and Mrs.

E. T. Horton. Harry Valillee of Ulster with Rodney Sluyter of Towanda. have ARMSTRONG MUSIC HOUSE BROWNbilt SHOE STORE kjtiud uNoa MRHOvrr or rm coocou comtaht it ELMIRA COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY SAYRE LOCKHART ST.

S. Elmer Ave. Sayrt 'returned from Florida, as their plans for spending the winter in 1 the south were changed by the i.

The Evening Times from Sayre, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.