The St. Helena Star from St. Helena, California (2024)

CRIMES AND CASUALTIES. THE FASHION PLATE. A FARRflS GIVEN AWAY Consisting of one sheet of FARM BUILDINGS and one sheet of 78 Subjects, DOMESTIC ANIMALS, eto. These are to please the children. The Farm House and Animals oau be cut out and made to stand, thus making a complete Miniature Farm Yard.

EMnO CHAMPION of the World Flavor, Strength and Price. 12 Prcseils Giyen Away. ONE RIG PRESENT FREE WITH EACH PGUKO OF NiLoTEA MRS. A. FAIRCHILDS STORE, gT.

HELENA AO ENC OF Great American Inporlim Tea Co. Hadj icu las, 02-58 Market St, Can Frwicisca. RwmTl Nil ft 1 ficp, try It. Catalogue mailed free on application. 3 Ways to Get This Farm 6 Couponi or Sena I Coupon and 6 Cents or 10 Cent! without any Coupon, to BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO DURHAM.

N. and tho Farm will be sent you POSTPAID. You will find one Coupon Inside each 2 ounce bag, and two Coupon Inside each 4 ounce beg of BlacMls Gotti DmHam Toliaeco. Buy a bag of this Celebrated Smoking Tobacco, and read the coupon, which gives a list of other premiums and how to get them. 2 CENT STAMPS ACCEPTED.

A FSALM OF BUSINESS LIFE. congruiry was soon lost In Bessie's popularity. Caldwell saw the dog only on rare oc- cusions. It staid in its master's room and slept on- his bed and waxed fat in retirement Be had spoken to it several times, but otherwise took no notice of its existence, which secretly riled Duffy. But Caldwell was preuocupied and uot quite himself.

He came home a good deal the worse for wiue one night, Dd Bessie, being in his way, got a kick that scut him crouching to his masters side. Caldwell might far better have kioked Duffy. However, the striker understood and sympathized with the lieutenant's condition. He himself could never have kicked a dog, even after pay day, but all men are not alike, so Duffy petted Bessie and shut him up in his own room aud returned to look after the bodily comfort of his master. This, considering the wiue, was pardonable, bnt the next offense could not be condoned.

It oocurred in broad daylight, and Caldwell was sober. He had been having au explanation with the commanding officer, and that gentleman had made reflection npon some of the lieutouant's fast growing habits that had exasperated the already overworried junior almost beyond endurance. He strode into his quarters and found Duffy, who was uot expecting him, dividing his attention between Bessie's charms and the bnckle of his masters belt. Now, Bessies disposition inclined him to forgive. He ran to Caldwell, looked up to bis face with soft, affectionate eyes and pnt his little paws, one yellow and one white, npon his knee.

Caldwell did not dare to kick the commandant, but he kicked Bessie aud broke the yellow paw. It was tbe one always held ont to Duffy to greet him. Duffy baudaged the paw, and in time it grew well But Dnffy hated Caldwell with the most dangerous of hatreds a silent and a waiting on a Caldwell's habits did not improve. His fondness for whisky, whether good or bad, contiuued. He had good whisky in his room, aud Duffy knew it, for he belonged to the old school of strikers, who do not look npon cigars or liqnor as private property.

One day, after Bessie's foot was well, Dnffy went to get a drink, because his spirits were low. There was very little whisky in tbe decanter, barely half a glassful, and an idea suddenly flashed into the strikers mind. Caldwell was officer of the day. He never Etarted to make the rounds without taking enough liqnor to keep him warm, aud Duffy knew it aud saw his revenge laid bare. The striker took Bessie for a walk over to the hospital to show tbe steward the mended paw.

Say, said Duffy, Ive got the toothache. I didu't sleep none last night. Hev you got some whats that you give me once? Laudanum, was it? Kin you let mo hev a bit? Why, yes. I guess so, the steward answered and went into the dispensary to get it. Shall I take all that? inquired the striker, with sweet simplicity.

Lord I No, man. Put some on cotton and stick it in the tooth. Oh, and what wnd it do to me if I wnz to swallow it? Wnd it kill No, there aint enough for that It would put you pretty fast asleep, though. Oh 1 said Duffy again. Then Bessie went through bis tricks for the steward and trotted back borne at his masters heels That night Caldwell finished tbe whisky in the decanter and grambled that the sutler was selling him vile tasting stuff, then started off a little while afterward to make his rounds The next day he was nnder arrest for drunkenness on duty.

And Dnffy, who had, with well played reluctance, given some of the most damaging testimony in regard to Caldwells habits at the conrt martial, which dismissed the latter, said goodby to the disgraced man with a sparkle which was not of tears in bis eyes, and he told Bessie to give theleftinant the right paw, which was the yellow one. Gwendolen Overton in Ban Franoisoo Argonaut. Nice Man Evidently. Wiggles Do you know old Walker? Waggles Yes. Wiggles What sort of a man is he anyway? Waggles Well, if he wanted to marry my mother-in-law, I shouldnt have tbe least objeotion.

Somerville Journal. WHY DO WE DO ITT Perhaps tome sage can tell me, for, indeed. Id like to know The sec rot of the titles that I hear whereer I go. There's Frown, who studied medicine, attaining aomo renown. Whose wife 1 hour referred to now as Mrs.

Dr. Brown. What reasou for the custom can the wise ones give to me? Why not as well refer to her os Mrs. Brown. M.

Because O'Shea ia on the bench why should we always say. In speaking of his charming wife, Theres Mrs. Judge OShea? Is she a judge by marriage? Was she wedded to the court? There should be some good reason why the title she should sport. If one should wed a justice, pray advise me, would she be Entitled to be known by all as Mrs. Jones, J.

P.t If not, what reason can we give for speaking as we do Of Mrs. Major Cannonball' or Mrs. Bishop Pew? Do titles go to families for use of evry one? And if they do, W'hy aren't they used by daughter and by son? Why not a Miss Lieutenant Sharp? Why not a junior too? At least lot's be consistent in the things we try to do. Chicago Post. LOVE MY DOG.

Duffy was the property of Caldwell of the Tenth, and was looked npon in the light of an inheritance, having come down to him from Wentworth of the same when the latter had been ordered away. Caldwell went into Wentworths quarters at once and fonnd Duffy rubbing up a pair of his ex-masters discarded boots, with a view to using them himself. He liked the mans looks, and he liked the condition of the vacated quarters, with their slate gray painted woodwork, so he took the quarters and agreed to take Duffy at a strikers usual rate of remuneration. Duffy entered promptly upon his duties, and was entirely satisfactory. He had no incumbrances in the way of family or sweethearts, and he was faithful to a degiee that was occasionally exasperating.

For six months he served Caldwell in singleness of purpose, having in that time been incapacitated only for six days that is, for 48 hours after each of the paymasters visits, and Caldwell, knowing the ways of strikers, made no objection. Duffy slept uproariously in his rooms, and Caldwell made his own fires, and brushed his own clothes, and went with unblacked hoots. In the interim no hour was too early for rising, none too late to sit up and keep logs on the andirons that tbe rooms might he warm and cheerful for the leftinaut, no duty imposed too arduous provided it served Caldwells ends. Blackstoue, Beeing the excellence of Duffy, departed from the strict code of honesty in the matter of servants which governs the army and overtures to the model striker. Blackstoue had no business to do it, and Daffy knew it, and a fine and inscrutable grin came upon his Hibernian mouth.

Blackstoue had said, with an assumption of off handodness, Duffy, what do yon get? Having dne regard for his employers credit in tbe world, he answered calmly, Twinty dollars, sor. Get ont! said Blackstoue. Yes, sor, replied Daffy. I want to know the truth, not lies like that Youd best ask the leftinaut, sor. I disremember.

He works you deuced hard. Does he, then? My man is no good. Suppose you come to me. You wont have to sit up to all hours for me. Duffy only smiled, bnt the smile was not pleasing.

What do yon think of it, Duffy? I niver think, sor. The leftinaut says Im to do as Im told and not think. Upon this Blackstone went away, and Duffy saluted him respectfully. In justice to the officers common sense, it must be said that it was only partial intoxication which could have led him to place himself in such a position toward a soldier. Dnffy did not repeat the conversation to Caldwell, because he knew it wonld make trouble between the two men, and Caldwell whose disposition was not of the mildest had several quarrels on his hands as it was.

Tlio lieutenant fell into the habit of keeping the striker up very late, night after night, so Dnffy inspected bis pockets several times in succession while Caldwell was sleeping as soundly us if justice had been the soporific, and uot, as was the case, sutlers whisky, aud he judged, from the fact that sometimes there was mnch loose change and again almost nothing, that his master was playing too mnch at cards. There was nothing to be done. Duffy did not consider that bis duties as striker included the moral guidance of bis superior. He reflected that it would be a good thing if Caldwell shonld get married only then he, Dnffy, would very likely lose his place, bo he sat up night after night, and it grew monotonous. Just at this period there came into Dnffys life a yellow and white dog.

Exactly why it shonld have wandered to the door npon one wet and freezing night, when Dnffy was in a particularly weary frame of mind, aDd where it came from he never knew. It was well after midnight and Dnffy was sprnwled in a leather chair of the troop saddlers manufacture, dozing, with both ears opep, when there came a scratching at the door. Dnffy tbongbt it was the lieutenant trying to find the knob. It had never been so bad as that yet nevertheless the striker went and opened the door, to be rewarded by the sight of an extremely small and miserable dog, with piteous eyes. Now, Duffy was only a soldier, nud a soldier Igves nothing on earth or in heaven as he does a cur.

So Duffy callod the dog in and warmed it and fed it nnd watched it with satisfaction bentri-tng all over bis face, it was spotted and dirty and wounded and woefully thin, but Duffy took it to bis heart. He spent three nights before the fire, no longer lonely, oontontedly trying to find a name for that dog. At last he determined to call it "Bessie, after the much admired daughter of the commanding officer ana with a complete disregard for tb entire inappropriateness of tba name. After be had settled this to his salis-faction he tried to discover accomplish ments in the creature. Here, Bessie, old boy.

Set up now, set up. Cant you set up? AVell, then, give ns your paw, hero, paw, paw, now. Cnnt yon give us your paw? Woll, then, lie down. Charge, charge, charge. Pavyi), J'B down, down.

Cant you charge? Well, then, speak, speak, Bessie, s-p-e-a-k, speak now. Wow I Bpoak." But Bessie could only follow him with his bright, curious eyes and conio when called. So tho solaco of many more hours of patient waiting lay in teaching Bessie these and many other tricks until be was tbe most accomplished dog in all the garrison and greatly beloved at the barracks. Duffy was a little annoyed alKiu the comment tbe inappropriate name called forth, but he insisted that )W-. rWXood MiQthjrju4 the is Vicious Acts of I.str breakers sni Losses Fira and Accident.

1 Dick Pond went to on the railroad tiack near Fmdleton, while drunk and was run over aud killed. Govt nor Hastings of Pennsylvania has fixed May 7 as the date for the execution of H. H. Holmes, who committed several murders. William Ettlingir, a wood chopper of 1 Woodward, is imprisoned in his house by a mob which wants to hang him.

Constable Bainer tried to arrest him and the officer was shot and killed. The dead bodies of a gray-haired man and a baby were found in a barrel in an alley in Hyde paik, Chicago, by a ragpicker. Both bodice were frightfully mutilated. Diana Pacheco, age 1 18, and Edward Hack, aged 20, ended a romance with a tragedy at Oakland. They could not marry aud they decided to die together.

Hack shot the girl and then fired a bul-j let into his own heart. James N. McGinnis stabbed to death his brotlier-iu-law, Robert Sebastien, at Pomona, Cal. Both men were laborers and frequently quarreled. McGinnis was drunk when he committed the crime.

Dean, the forger, who swindled the Nevada Bank of Sail Francisco by means of a raised draft, has been brought back to that city. He was captured at St Paul with his partner McClusky. W. G. Mackay, a discharged employe of the San Joaquin county hospital, shot Bernard Cook when the latters kick was turned.

The injured man will probably die. Mackay was incensed 1 localise Cook had taken his job. John Bingham, conductor of a construction train on the Corral Hollow road near Stockton, was caught nnder the engine pilot and severely injured. Engineer Downs got him out and made the run to Stockton, a distance of 13 miles, in 10 minutes. A tray of diamonds was stolen from the jewelry store of P.

Gottlesleben at Denver on a recent afternoon. The proprietor of the store says the value of the stolen gems was $15,000. Tho thief managed to escape, after being followed and shot at by C. H. Leppla, the clerk.

A Greek candy seller also tried stop tho thief, who turned and shot him in the wrist. It is evident that au experienced gang of diamond robbers has been operating in Denver, as valuable gems have taken from shirt fronts of guests at the prominent hotels within the past week. A crazy man, named La Poiuto, appeared with a gun on a street at Brock-ville, nnd fired at people in tbe vicinity. He first shot nnd killed nn old man, Peter Moore. Chief of Police Rose next appeared and was fatally shot by the madman.

Then he shot and wounded nn Indian, and next Constable Lindsloy shot at the maniac, who returned the fire and fatally wounded the officer. By this time the town had become aroused and people gut out of reach of the crazy mans gun. A man in a house fired at La Pointe from an upper-story window and the lunatic was wounded and taken to jail. One of the most noted criminal cases with which tho authorities and people of the Southwest have ever had to deal was disposed of when the charge of murder pending against Ed Tewkesbury was dismissed at Phoenix, A. T.

The supervisors declined to put the county to the expense of a third trial. At the first trial in Phoenix a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree was returned. On account of a technicality the verdict was set aside and at the second trial at Tucson the jury disagreed. The ease has cost Maricopa county about $23,000. The murder with which Tewkesbury was charged grew out of his connection with the famons Tonto Basin war, in which 80 cowboys were killed.

Tho trouble was between the Tewkesbury and Gralmm factions. The former faction conquered, after months of fighting. Almost every one who took up the Graham cause was killed, and Torn Graham, the last of his family, was compelled to escape to the hills. He settled near Tempo and in August, 1892, lie was Bhot from ambush by a man on horseback. Graham lived for some time after being shot, and in his dying statement lie declared that he had been shot by Ed Tewkesbury and ohn Rhodes, PERSONAL.

William Rockefeller, the multi-millionaire president cf the Standard Oil company, intends to build a palatial residence in New York city. Mayor Sutro of San Francisco mailed a number of letters to congressmen an senators and the envelopes had printed on them, P. Huntington would not 3teal a red-hot stove. This was a violation of the postal laws and the letters were seized. A Bridgeport (Conn.) special says: Mrs.

Nancy Barnum Callias, widow of P. T. Barnum, the great showman, and now the wife of Demetrius Callias Bey, a Greek nobleman, is coming back to America to live and in all probability will make Bridgeport her home again. When Mrs. Barnum married it was reported that her husband was a modern Croesus and possessed innumerable castles and estates.

Gossip now says she was wofully deceived. The inaugural step made by Balling-ton Booth, the deposed commander of the Salvation Army in America, in a rival organization on linos similar to the one from whose command ho was relieved, met with success. Cooper Union, New York, was the scene of the first meeting, attended by 5, H) loyal Salvatiou soldiers, who since the commencement of tho international strife which has sundered Balliugtou Booths allegiance to his father, General William Booth of London, have remained loyal to tho deposed commander and Ms wife, Maud Booth. Every seat in tlio large auditorium was occupied. The aisles were crowded and the streets outside were thronged.

Rich, Red Blood Is absolutely essential to health. It Is tmpos. Bible to get it from so-called nerve tonics and opiate compounds. They have temporary, sleeping effects, but do not CURE. To have pure blood and good health, hike Hood's Sarsaparilla, winch has first, last, and all the time, been advertised ns Just what it Is the best medicine for tbe blood ever produced.

In fact, tnloods Sarsaparilla lathe One True Wood Purifier. All druggists. l. Hoods Pills ssrsr Ea Inti impt. 1 HnVii asEEGBI A novelty in glovee shows tiny ribbon bows over each button.

Indications point to the very general use of crape surfaced goods for dresses. Dresses of silken fabrics will almost without exception bo made with plain akirts. Tbe separate waist maintains its hold upon the fancy of women of all ages and conditions. A new glove has a very long wrist, edged with fnr and open on the outside of tbe arm instead of tbe inner side, as usual A novelty oollar for spring is made of very closely plaited silk, lined with some supporting materiaL At intervals among the plaitinga of silk are set tiny ostrich tips. The haircloth pettiooat will be a feature of spring styles.

Some of the most approved of these are covered with light weight taffeta for about half the distance from the hem up. A new sleeve is made with font puffs, each about four inches wide. These are poshed up together nntil they occupy the space of but about four inches. Below this is a loose pnff to the elbow, then a fitted cuff with a puff at the wrist. A handsome long wrap for spring is made of fine broadcloth.

It is closely fitted at the side and back. The front has a fnll length section of embroidered material from oollar to hem, with a wide yoke, shawl shaped cape and enffs, also of embroidery. An evening dress of velvet has a plain akirt, close fitting body and polled Bleevea of the velvet The corsage is ent square, and the back sections, wide shoulder straps and pointed fronts are of very rich brocade. There is a ruffle basque skirt lined with lain material the color of the brocade. New York Ledger.

TURF TOPICS. The Gentlemans Driving club of Cleveland will join the National association. The Port Huron (Mich. Trotting as-sociation will give two meetings this year and bang np $15,000 in purses. Roy Miller, Macon, has purchased Berkshire Courier, from Thomas Greenwood, Great Barrington, VL Vasceola, a 5 -year-old daughter of Vasco, owned by Joseph W.

Spratt, Alleghany, died recently of lung fever. Cliff Porter, Lexington, is reported to have sold a 2-year-old colt by imported Whistle Jacket, out of Zqhlan, for $6,000. A northern Ohio trotting circuit is now in process of formation and thus far includes the tracks at Cauton, Youngstown, Rockport, Akron, Warren and Newburg. Tbe Canadian Horse Breeders association has petitioned the government to appropriate about $3,000 for prizes to be awarded at the coming Canadian horso show. The celebrated hackney sire Danegelt, for which Sir Walter Gilby paid a year or so ago, died in England recently.

He sired some of tbe highest priced animals of his kind. The summer meeting of Highland park, Detroit, Jnne 30 to Jnly 4, will inclnde 15 parses, eight for trotters and seven for the pacers. Ten thousand dollars has been appropriated for the parse programme. Goldsmith Maid trotted 332 heats in 8:30 or better, won 121 races and during her career on the turf, and it has been estimated that her net winnings, after all expenses were deducted, footed np to the enormous sum of INVENTORS AND PATENTS. There ore 2,266 patents and models of sheet metal wire.

There are 5,979 patent locks and latches fnr doors and gates. There are 4,299 different kinds of saws and sawing apparatus. There are 3,307 patents for machinery or processes employed in paper making. The necessity of preparing tobacco for the consumer has developed 2,274 patents. Butter making is encouraged by 4,435 patents either on devices employed or methods of manufacture.

There is no leading country in the world whose natives have not taken ont patents in tbe United States. Tho granger of America need be at no loss for a barrow, 4,691 patents having been issned on these aids to agricultural toil. On stoves and fnrnaces 18,840 patents have been issued, covering every part of these indispensable artioies of oomfort Tbe mannfactnre of tbe staff of life la carried on by tbe use of 764 devices employed to make it or used as material in its manufacture. Every American wears shoes, but pot every American knows that 9,848 patents have been taken ont on tbe machinery used in making them. GEMS OF THOUGHT.

Refinement that carries ns away from onr fellow men is not Gods refinement Beecher. I take it to be a principal pjlp of life not to be too mnch addicted to any one thing. Terence. No rock so hard bnt that a little wave may beat admission in a thousand years. Tennyson.

By taking revenge a maq is bnt even with his enemy, but in passing over he is superior. Bacon. One soweth and another reapeth ia a verity that applies to evil as well as good. George Eliot If a proud man makes me keep my distance, the comifort is that he keeps bis at tbe same time. Swift, Perfect Wisdom Wo i'd rive us i erfect health.

Because men and women are not perfectly wise, they must take medicines to keep themselves perfecly healthy. rare, rich bloodis the beats of goad health. Hoods Sarsaparilla is the One True Blood Purifier. ft yes good health because it builds upon the true foundation pure blood. Hood's Pills are purely vegetable, ier-fectly harmless, always reliable aud beutliciul.

Nerves Ou Edge. I was nervous, tired, irritable and cross. Kails Glover Root Tea lias made me well and happy fis. H. Woiiubn.

Buoklen'g Arnica Salve. The best salve iu the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aaiisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents a boy. For sale at the St.

Helena Drug Store, C. Davison, Trop. A Qrmt Germans Presarlitlon. Diseased blood, consttpatlm, and kidney liver and bowel troubles are cured by Karl's Clover Root Tea. Smith's Pharmacy, HE NEEDED NO DICTIONARY.

Bat the School Board Is Now Looking For A New Teacher. A good story corn os from Meeker county, this state, aod has to do with a well known school district there. When it came time last snrnmer to hire a teacher, the local board discovered that there were two applicants, both yoong men. As to salary, there was no difference between their bids, bnt the second one insisted that if he were employed the board shonld provide a dictionary for the schoolroom. The first one made no snch demand and said that he would be well able to get along without a dictionary.

As he expressed it, it was useful only in the matter of defining words and giving their pronunciation. Number one got the school. Last week the board made its first visit to the bnilding. Everything went well for the first la minutes, but finally a redheaded, freckle faced youth in the rear of the room held up his right hand and snapped his fingers in a very energetic manner. What is it, Charley? asked the teacher.

I want to know how to pronounce a word, said Charley. Spell it, replied the teacher. Charley in a load voioe spelled ont the word vocabulary. "Vo-ca-bnll-ary, responded the teacher, placing the accent on the ball, and he added as to its meaning, Appertaining to horned cattle. The board ent short its visit and is now looking for a new teacher and getting ready to buy an unabridged dictionary.

Minneapolis Journal. Outwitted the Footpad. Dr. Brown of St. Louis was walking home late one night when he was accosted by a footpad.

Gimme your money said the thief. As quick as thought the doctor turned and in an offended tone said What are you doing over here? Go on the other side of the street. Im working this side myself. With a muttered apology for his breach of etiquette, the would be robber vanished in the darkness. Pittsbnrg Dispatch.

A Mournful Reflection. A Texas man was left $2,000 by the death of an uncle in New York. He drank deeply and went through the property in two months. While engaged in the completion of one of the railroads in Texas he received notice that he bad fallen heir this time to $3,000. Allow me to congratulate you, said one of his fellow workmen.

Congratnlate nothing! said the man dismally. It looks very mnch as thongh there was some kind of a plot on foot to kill me off. Texas Siftings. Then He Went Hotne The yonng man who had traveled began: And there I stood, the abyss yawning at my feet Was i yawning before you got there, or did it begin after you arrived; asked the young woman who has never been away, and then the young man fonnd that he bad just timo to catch the last car. Indianapolis Journal.

Similar Occupation. Papa (busy with his accounts) I wish yon wouldnt read aloud, RacheL Yon disturb me. Mies Rachel This is the morning paper, papa. Im reading Notes on Society. Papa So am child, and Ive got some here that are awfully hard to collect Chicago Tribune.

A Leap She Might Make. This is leap year, I know, said tbe maid. But I do not think I could so far forget my maidenly modesty as to pro poee to a man. Yet Yet what? asked the youth, seeing she him'tated. I might jump at an offer if it were made to me.

New York Herald. Her Hand, Doubtless Why, she faltered, did you hasten to pick up the glove I had dropped? Because, he answered boldly, I thought there might be something in it for me some time. And his worst suspicions were subsequently confirmed. Detroit Tribune. Very Simple Preventive, I know a man who never suffers from cold feet.

Hygienic dressing, I suppose? No wooden legs! Chicago Reo-ord. They Bad a Falling Oat. AND HAVE NEVElt SPOKEN SINCE. Truth. The Real Test.

Ho has tbe faith to move a mountain. How about a coal stove? Dotroit Tribune. Best Family Medicine I have taken Avers Tills for manv years, and always derived the (test results irom 'their use. or stomach and liver and for the cure of headache, LnJ Cathartic Pills cannot he equaled. When my friends ask me what is the best remedy for disorders of the stomach, liver, or liowels.

my invariable answer is Aiers Tills. Mrs. May New York City. Highest Awards at Worlds Fair. KEEEP THE SUNSET LMIO For the Senses of 1895-6, Wnx Krs SEMI-WEEKLY BETWEEN' San Francisco, Los Atples and New Orleans, OVER THE GREAT 6UNSET ROUTE, LEAVING SAN FRANCISCO Tuesdays and Saturdays From Tuesday, November 5, lS9o.

The most complete, modern, elegantly equipped and perfectly arranged Vestibuled Transcontinental Train in America. New equipment especially designed and built for this service. Nothing spared to assure PERFECT COMFORT and the highest degree of entertainment while traveling Direct connection in New Orleans for all Eastern Foiuts, juick time. Only one change. 4 Grand Central Market J.

H. COUTLENC, Proprietor. Is the Place to Get IUICY STEAKS and TENDER ROASTS CHOICE VEAL AND MUTTON. Every Day in the V'ear. OUR HOME-HAKE OF Hams, Bacon anil Lari Is superior to anything else in the market.

ALSO CORNED BEEF, SALT POtfK, ETC. GOUGHS and COLDS KLTS PIHEOLA BALSAM is sore Remedy jor coughs, colds, gore throat and for asthma. It soothes, quickly abates tbe cough, and renders expectoration easy. Consumptives I will invariably derive bnefit from it. dm.

liny anppoM their capes to be consumption are only suffering from chronic cold or deep tested cough, often aggravated by ca tarrh. For catarrh use Elys Cream Balm. Both Rmedies are pleaaant to use. Cream Balm, SO cts. per bottle: Pineols Balsam.

26c. Bold by DmgglsU. ELY BROTHERS, 68 Warren hew York. THE BEST PLACE IN TOWN To Get 18 FROM Mrs Risley. Everything ia the Market.

Always Fresh ALSO CANDIES And Confectionary, CICARS and TOBACOO Constantly on Hand. Nice line of Wntim Tails, Etc. Give me a call. MRS. S.

RISLEY. Main street, opp. Odd Fellows Hall, St. Helena Independent Market Zimmerman Deffner. Dealers in Choice Beef, Mutton, Veal Lamb, Pork, Lard, Ham, Baoon.

Corn Beef and Pork Pat cp specially to order. Main Street, One door above A. Goodman Go. ar. graf Watchmaker Jeweler Main street fit.

Helens CRACKS AT CHICAGO. Chicago needs inoro ruin nnd a good deal more soap. New York World. Chicago bids fair to lio not only ths wickedest but tho best advertised city In the world. Milwaukee JournaL A Chicago scientist claims to have discovered the seat of consciousness.

Strange that itbhould have lieen found iu Chicago. Detroit Free l'ress. The malarial atmosphere of Chicago Is disastrous to military discipline. When officers are not shooting each other, they are smashing away at each other's noses. Minneapolis Tribuuo.

Tho average Chicago thief will steal anything from a barlow knifotoa bicycle. Till! thieves of that city bitvo a particular vagary just at preseut that is puzzling the police. They arc stealing iron lampposts from tho streets. Kansas City Star. Tho men who started out to capture Chicago were evidently not aware of tho magnitude of tho job they were undertaking.

They should have known that Chicago had annexed parts of three states ill preparation for tho Worlds fair. Omaha Bee. It is reported from Chicago that a Chl-neso secret society of that city is laying plans to aid in tho overthrow of the present emperor of China. For the study of dynamite methods tho Chinamen have chosen the proper place. Pittsburg Dispatch.

A Chicago writer says, Theres lots more rliaractpr revealed in a foot than In a hand. For that mutter in the caso of Chicago women, if reports be true, theres lots more avoirdupois. Amputate a Chicago girls foot, ami tho rest of lior would go up like a balloon. Naslivillo American. A feature of life within tho city limits of Chicago is tiio holding up of trains on tlio lonely prairie, tho flight of robbers into the pathless woods, a buttlo between them nnd tlio police resembling one of Coopers Indian fights nnd their final capture by a skillful ambush.

Urban lifo in Chicago has piquant enjoyments unknown elsewhere. Portland Oregonian. A re Vos Made Mi-erable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, boss oi Appetite, Yellow Bkin? hbiiolis ilalizer is a po-ilive cure. Smith's Pharmacy. Marvelous Results.

From a letter written by lev. J. tiunder man, of Dimoiidale, we are permitted to make this extract: I have no hesitation in recommending Dr. Kings New Discmery, as the results were almost marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Baptist church at Rives Junction she was brought down with pneu-mo iasneceidii la prippe.

Terrible par-oxvsnis of coughing would last hours with little interruption and it seemed as if she could not survive them. A friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovorv; it was quick in ita woik and highly satisfactory in results. Trial bottles free at Smith's Pharmacy. Regular size 50e and $1.

The ltest Cough Cure is Shiloh's Cure. A neglected cough is dangerous. Stop it at once with Shiloh's Cure. Smith Pham acy. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as merenry will surely destroy the sense of smell anil completely" derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous snrfaces.

Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable physician, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's catarrh cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney Toledo, contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In luiying ltall's Catarrh Cure he sure you get the genuine, it i- takpn internally and is made in Toledo.

Ohio, by F. J. Cheney Co. Testin' iii is fre. Sold by all druggists.

Price 73c per bottle. rills Vo Not Cure. Pills do not cure Constipation. They only aggravate. Karls Clover Root Tea gives perfect regularity of the bowels.

Smiths Pharmacy. FOR SALE. OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR MY, WOOD OR GftHH. 12 Head of Work, Driving anti Saddle Horses. 3 Team Wagons.

2 Spring Wagons. 2 Open Reggies. 1 Road Cart, 5 Sits Work Harness. 2 Sets Single Harness (huggy) 1 Set Double Uaruess (buggy). 1 Road Scraper.

4 Plows, Etc. 00 head young Pigs. Inquire at I. P. ELGIN, Feed Store.

is a LOCAL DISEASE sad It the result of colds and sudden climatie changes. It can be cured by a pleasant remedy which ia applied directly Into the outrun. Be- all80rbeUit gives ElysGream Balm dftjwlriwd to the meet thorooijb fcwaUWh, Cold in Head and Hey remedies. It open and clean the nasal ni eliaye pain and inflammation, heals the eor tecta the membrane from cold, reetoree th tftaaje and nmell. Price 60c.

at Drascietaor I ELY BliOTHERS, 66 Warren Street, Net NOTICE OF TIME APPOINTED FOR PROBATE Of WILL, ETC. In tluMimttur of the Mate of John Nlolso Bf tcMaiuint ofJohn Nielson, ilceenROd and it her petition praying tllat rJddoeumi maybe Rriinittori to probate an th laxt am testament oj kuM dewaS imd tor the issuance to her of leuers teutonic Zlni'linv Hlvi 0,1 Mmdav.t: r.l Mhtell, A. I. lML Ht 10 OVIfMlc A "i id cou at tlu court lionise in the eonuly of Nape ha been inmolmoU as the time am! place for hei mibt poll, ion, nhe nnd where any pers! Imhul a.n.?yrli,,uwr ftml cnnu'Mt the same Hated Napa, March ls X. (OUJNR, Clerk of the Superior Court, Pkiicy B.

Kind, Deputy Clerk. Attorney to PtiUUoiw, Teii me not in mournful numbers Life is but a titful dream. For the mails alive who rustles I'p a head of business steam. In the world's broad field of battle, In the whirl of business life. Drive your business, make things rattle.

Be a hero iu the strife. Lives of great men all remind 11s That the world is lull of knowledge; Aud the place In get the best is At the Napa Business Collkuk. Take a business education. Utilize each precious minute, So than when through graduation Well be sure that we are in it. lt us then he up and doing; lress our work with nerve and vim; Join lie Napa llistKEssCoLLkoK If we would he in the swim.

GO TO THE USINESS COLLEct The Ouly Business College iu Kapa Co. FOR A Good Business Kducatiou. RUNNING DAY AND EVENINC. COMFLETE BUSINESS COURSE A Specialty. ANY STUDY tmiy bo arranged for.

Fer further information address II. L. tviNN, A. M. Principal.

-THE LEADING COLLEGE THE CALIFORNIA. Mima Used in more than lOOO of the Largest Business Colleges in the United States. BENN PITMAN SHORTHAND. 1230 Market Street J. A.

Wiles. C. E. How ak ELECTION PROCLAMATION. Town of St.

Helena. IX ACCORDANCE WITH AX ACT OF THE Legislature of the State of California, entitled An act to provide for the organization, incorporation and government of municipal coproratioiis, approved March 13, 1HH3, and an order from the Board of Trustees, in and for the Town of St. Helena, made and entered the 24th day of February, A. 1). 1H96, public no-tice is hereby given that an election of the qualified electors of the said town will be held on Monday, the 13th Day of April, A.

1896, i nu vvuin. 2nd. One town trustee to serve the une pired term of H. L. Chiles.

Two years. 3rd. Two town trustees to serve the term of four years. 4th. A clerk who shall be ex-ofllcio assess oth.

A town treasurer. 6th. A marshal who shall be ex-officio and license collector. 7th. A library trustee to serve for the tc of four years in place of H.

H. Blakesly. 8th. A library trustee to serve for the tern fours in wlace of B. F.

Kettlewell. The following places and officers of eleeti are hereby designated and appointed as 1 lows, to-wit: FOR WEST ST. HELENA PRECINCT. Judges of Election W. E.

York, George. Spratt. Inspectors of Election II. C. Rammers, P.5.

Grant. 1 Clerks of Election F. S. Ewer. W.

Hoffman. Ballot Clerks of Election-Joe Gnfewsky, Salinina. Polling place Town hall on Main street. FOR EAST ST. HELENA PRECINCT- Judges of Election C.

F. Rice, A. B. C- flow-dell, Inspectors of Election John Greer, G. Fountain.

Clerks of Ejection Henry Lange, W. Sink Ballot lerks of Election A. Anderson Chord. C. F.

1 0,1 Main street in the building used by A. Mackinder as an auction room. The polls shall be open at sunrise on the clay of election and be kept open until five olock the same day when the polls shall btt closed. 1 W. A.

BINGHAM, President of the Board of Trustee-Attest: O. II. Blank, Town Clerk. NOTICE! Great Register Cancelled. Nimrp.

i hereby given (ho olectors of Nap Cmiiity, that the (ireiit ilegieter of sail Napa County was eaneelled on the llllli ln) of February, A. II. IKiNI. by oriler of tlio lloaril 01 Suiiervtsnrs, ami that a new and complete registration -if the qiialltieil electors of said Nairn County lias commenced, and that the same will continue until the Util day of August, 1 Still. Haled Napa, February Ik, 1WK1.

fJ. W. Cou.INS, County Clerk. ESTRAY MIRE. Jot Black Mare, 10 hands high, tiro neir trout shoes, at rnyed front lierro Cy inoro place, near Crystal Springs, Friday the Mth lust.

Anyone knowing of her whereabouts will confer a (nvor nmi be rewarded by addressing F. O. Box 220, BL Helena, Cal. A New Parisian Pood. Camels flesh is the latest addition to the Parisian bill of fare, Algerian butchers undertaking to provide tbe supply.

The meat is said to teste like beef, though white like veal. The hump is considered a great delicacy by tbe Arabs. DENOMINATIONAL NAMES. The Basilians have their name froa St. Basil, their founder.

The Wyclifitea took their name ftem Wyclif, an English reformer, bom 124; died 1387. The Servites are a religious order founded by seven Florentine merchants about 1283. The Adamites, a sect of the fourteenth centnry, were named from one Picard, who called himself Adam, the Son of God. The Lollards, sect of reformers, were named from Walter Lollard, or Loriilaril, who was burned for heresy in 1322. The Benedictine monks had their name from heir founder, SL Benedict, who brought tho mouastio system into Europe about 529.

The faith healers were thus called from the fact that they claimed by the exercise of faith and by prayer to heal all manner of diseases, The word nun is derived from the Italian word nonna, meaning grandmother. When nunneries were first instituted, the inmates wore all very aged women. The word Catliolip pi pans "pniyerr sal, and tbe name Catholic church simply means universal church, as for many centuries the Catholic chnrcb was the only church. The Nonconformists were thus designated from tboir refusal to conform to the usages and doctrines of the established church of England. They were also called dissenters.

Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers ig the best, handiest, safest, surest, clean e.f, most economical and tatisfactery dye ever imeiited. It is the gentlemens favorite, Bitters. Electric Hi on is a medicine suited for any season, but perhaps more generrly needed, when the languid piliausipd feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid ainf sluggish and the need ul a tonic mid alterative is felt. A prompt use (t llijs cine hue often averted long and perhaps fatal hi'ious fever-'. No medicine will act more surely in counteracting and freeing the sy-totn from the malaria poison.

Headache, Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness yield to Electric Hitters. iQj and $1 00 per bottle at 1J. eolith's prug Store. Catirrli Cured. Heiitli and sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy.

Price 50 cents. asal injector free. Smith's Pharmacy, vsiw.rito.iiiiiKii.inaMniBata. fi Mi FI ff. il IfcltOl.

The St. Helena Star from St. Helena, California (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.