a WILKES-BARRE RECORD, MONDAY, MAY 16, 1949 Twenty Fernbrook Zoning Parley Slated Questions to Be Answered Tuesday Night at 8 at High School equiredrst of the enzo, Zoning public. of meetings 1947 will be held Tuesday night at 8 in Dallas Township High School. Charles P. Cella, supervisor, and Dell Tredinnick, former government tative zoning consulting represenin this area, will answer questions relative to ordinance, prepared under direction of the Dallas Township Zoning Commission. The ordinance is described as being made to fit local needs and problems and as not being "a hodge podge of other zoning ordinances cemented together with a prayer that they would be workable as well as enforceable." The ordinance as proposed sets up two residential areas, one with a required frontage of 75 feet and the other with a frontage of 60 feet.
Industrial and commercial establishments are not allowed in the residential areas. The supervisors are required by the act to appoint a board of appeals as well as a zoning officer. An industrial area is established at Fernbrook. Commercial areas are located at Fernbrook, Moore's Corners, Kunkle, Demunds, Goss Manor, and at the junction of the proposed Williamsport Road with the Harvey's Lake Highway near the Castle. Copies of the ordinance are now available at tl the home of Miss Mildred Major, Township Secretary; Library, and at the Zoning Commission members residences, Paul Warriner, Demunds; W.
Lee, Country Club Road; Walter Elston, Kunkle; J. A. Brooks, West Dallas; C. M. Laidler, Pioneer The preparation of this ordinance is the work of more than 23 meetings with the supervisors, zoning engineers invited to present bids, the selected zoning exand Zoning Commission members.
Dallas Township upon the adoption of this code will be the first township in the county to have a zoned community. A large attendance is anticipated. At this meeting constructive criticism will be welcomed and will be embodied in the final draft if criticism has sufficient merit, in the opinion of the Zoning Commission and PTA TO MEET Township will ParAssociation meet tonight at 8 at the high school. The nominating committee composed of Earl Lamoreux, Mrs. Thomas Heslop and Mrs.
Jeanne Mitcheil will present the slate for next year. lower grade music students will present program under the direction of Alfred Milliner Camp, music supervisor. Tribute will be paid Miss Stella Goldsmith, teacher in the grade school who will retire this year. Refreshments will be served by Miss Butts' room and Mrs. Guyler's room.
SCHOOL CALENDAR Events for Dallas Township scheduled. 1 the remainder of the term include: May 29, baccalaureate service in Dallas Methodist Church; May 30, Memorial Day vacation; June 1-2, senior final examinations; June 2-3-6, final examinations; June 3, commencement; June 8, last day of school. Huntsville WSCS MEETS Wagner. NOTES AND PERSONALS Meeting of the congregation will be held in the Methodist Church WSCS met in the Methodist Church on Thursday with Mrs. T.
H. Newcomb leading devotions, "By His Light We Walk Mrs. Harry Edwards, retiring president, presided and spoke of the fine cooperation given her during the past four years. Mrs. G.
A. Learn, secretary, reported on year's work. Mrs. James Harrison reported on plans for the bake sale. Mrs.
Wesley Lamoreux will be hostess to the Study Group on Tuesday night. Serving committee announced for next month will be Mrs. Charles Behee and Mrs. Earl Balliet. Committee was Mrs.
M. E. Wagner and Mrs. Harold Palmer. Dinner was served to Rev.
and Mrs. David R. Morgan, Rev. and Mrs. H.
R. Harrison, Mrs. A. J. Sordoni, Mrs.
Evan C. Jones, Miss Mary Flannery, Sarah Rogers, J. Alfred Rogers, Mrs. James Harrison, Bess Griffiths, Miss Laura Smith, Mrs. J.
R. Moore, R. Folsom, F. Park, Lester R. Lewis, William A.
Moran, Bernard Rockevich, Alice Minor, Mrs. P. P. Dohl, Mrs. Reese Thomas.
Mrs. Mildred Carlson, Mrs. W. C. Rowett, Mrs.
Katie Lewis, Mrs. H. E. Dodson, Mrs. Harold A.
Shappelle, Mrs. Frances Honeywell, Rebecca C. Stark, Mrs. E. U.
Buckman, Georgia M. Smith, Miss Cornelia M. Stark, Mrs. W. E.
Doran, Mrs. Paul H. Phillips, Miss B. Leach, Eva H. Leach, Mrs.
Ruth H. Doran, Mrs. B. G. Tribler.
Mrs. Jack Pauling, Mrs. Clarence Elston, Mrs. G. A.
Learn, Mrs. C. L. Myers, Mrs. Fred Weaver, Mrs.
T. H. Newcomb, Mrs. John Headman, Mrs. Albert Cadwalader, Mrs.
C. S. Behee, Mrs. Wesley Lamoreux, Mrs. R.
A. Newcomb, Mrs. T. Stockel, Mrs. Harold Palmer, Mrs.
M. E. tonight. Christian Church will serve a mother and daughter dinner on Friday night at 7. WSCS Study Group will meet in the Methodist Church on Tuesday night at 8.
District officers will speak. Quilters will come at 7. Mrs. Wesley Lamoreux will be hostess. Mr.
and Mrs. Russell Johnson spent the week end with Miss Dorothy Weaver in New Jersey. Mrs. Fred Weaver, who had spent two weeks with Miss Weaver, returned home the Johnsons. Mrs.
R. A. Newcomb has returned after spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Farnham at Hallstead.
Miss Bess Griffiths was a recent guest of Miss Laura Smith and Mrs. James Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Malvin Wagner, daughter Mildred, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Thompson, children, Phyllis and James, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tice in Mt. Holly, Luzerne RUMMAGE SALE Kingston Chapter 386, OES, will hold a rummage starting today through Wednesday at the Lare Building.
Those having donations can call Mrs. Lovera Craze of Luzerne or the worthy matron, Mrs. Naomi Dalon, 88 North Loveland Street, Kingston. SETTLEMENT EXHIBIT The clothes of two naval men representing opposite sides of War 2 were necessary to complete one project that will be displayed at the West Side Settlement annual exhibit at the Settlement, 220 Vaughn Street, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. The project mentioned will be a small boys' suit made from the uniform of an American sailor and the uniform of a Japanese sailor.
This will be but one of hundreds of garments made by women of the sewing and home decorating classes, that will help to make up the exhibit. Other exhibits will consist of projects from the woodworking classes, clubs, handicraft classes and the kindergarten. The display will be open from 2 to 5 and from 6:30 to 9 each day. Instructors will answer questions concerning the classes. They will be Mrs.
Bevan, sewing teacher; Mr. Dougherty, instructor of woodwork, Mrs. Ankner, kindergarten teacher; Merle Keller, athletic and wood crafts teacher and Newman Hawke, agency director. MOTHERS HONORED At a meeting and Mother's Day party held by American Legion Unit 525 at the Legion Home, Gold Star Mothers of the auxiliary were guests honor. Mrs.
Lena Hendershot, chaplain, led prayer. Mrs. Wanda Comer, president, presented the following Gold Star Mothers with white carnations: Mrs. Margaret Horwatt, Mrs. Angeline Gunari, Mrs.
Catherine co*cking, Mrs. Sophie Serbel and Mrs. Nellie Carr. Mrs. Lena Hendershot, oldest present, received a pink carnation.
Mrs. Genevieve Bensen Present: Mrs. Wanda Comer, Mrs. Ada Peard, Mrs. Helen Stokes, Mrs.
Mary Gorewich, Mrs. Nettie Hughes O'Malley, Mrs. Veronica Periguno, Mrs. Genevieve Bensen, Mrs. Margaret Horwatt, Mrs.
Mary Sisgmond, Mrs. Angeline Gunari, Mrs. Carr, Catherine Mrs. co*cking, Mrs. Nellie Sophie Serbel, Mrs.
Lena Hendershot. Mrs. Mary Sisgmond WaS chairman of the refreshment committee. The next meeting will be Thurs- day at 8 at the Legion Home. ENTERTAINS CLUB The "Do-Tell" club met recently at the home of Mrs.
John Balash, 681 North Walnut Street. Present: Mrs. Christine Richards and Mrs. Clara Brown, Luzerne; Mrs. Mil Lord, Mrs.
Mil Eustice, Mrs. Ruth Earl, Carverton; Miss Dorothy Forman, Larksville; Mrs. John Dido, Forty Fort; Mrs. Frank Kolcusky of West Field, N. J.
RUMMAGE SALE Rummage sale will open this morning at the Keller Building under auspices Dallas Chapter, OES. Mrs. Myrtle Rineman will assisted by Mrs. Alice Kibler, Mrs. Eleanor Coolbaugh, Mrs.
Pearl Gossart, Mrs. Anna Roberts and Mrs. Cora Nulton. The sale will open at 9:30 a. m.
until 5 p. m. PERSONALS Mrs. Anne Terlesky, rear 29 Hughes Street, is recuperating at home being a patient at Genreal Hospital where she submitted to a tumor operation. Charles Malarkey, a patient at Lebanon Veterans Hospital, spent the week end with his wife and family, Walnut Street.
Friday evening they called on his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bryant of Pringle. Mr. Malarkey will return to the hospital today.
Men's Bible Class of the Methodist Church will sponsor a reading, "The Big Fisherman," in the church on Friday, May 27 at 8 p. m. Mrs. Wanda Comer, president of American Legion Auxiliary Unit 525, and Mrs. Genevieve Bensen attended hte luncheon for the national presidents and the department presidents held at Hershey last week.
Rev. W. David Glenn, former pastor of Luzerne Bennett Pres-1 byterian Church, has returned to New Jersey after attending the 75th anniversary of the local church. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Tonight at 7:45, Willing Workers' Class at the home of Mrs. William Bytheway, 483 Charles Street.
Joseph Martin will preside. Co-hostess will be Mrs. Frank Bartkowski of Pringle. Tuesday at 2:30, Women's Missionary Society will meet at the home of Miss Viola Smith, will 469 Bennett Street. Co-hostess be Mrs.
Lydia Frazier. Members are to note that the meeting has been advanced to afternoon. Wednesday at 8, Win-Some Guild in the church basem*nt. Mrs. Rose Eley will preside.
Hostesses will be Mrs. Edith Blight, Mrs. Louise Goodman and Miss Viola Smith. Thursday at 7, prayer service in the chapel. At 8, Ladies' Aid Society will meet in the church basem*nt.
Mrs. Zack Kellar will preside. Hostesses will be Mrs. Charles Craze and Mrs. William Fussell.
Tunkhannock Almon Baker, who has been a patient in the Batavia Veterans Hospital for several Lake months, Carey has returned to his home, Road. Mr. and Mrs. Merl Bigelow and son Butchie were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Cloyd Myers on Mother's Day. Mrs. Oliver Williams has as guest Miss Louise Rockwell of New York. Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Miner, daughters, Betty and Doris, and grandson, David, of Johnson City were recent guests of relatives in Tunkhannock Mrs. Ruth Stogoski and Dorothy Stogoski of Luzerne were recent guests of Mrs. Cloyd Myers, Evans Falls. Mr. ant.
Mrs. Robert W. Stevens of Lakewood, Tunkhannock, announce the birth of a son, their first child, Sunday, May 8, in Tyler Memorial Hospital, Meshoppen. The baby has been named Winter Stevens, Jr. Mrs.
Stevens is the former Miss Peggie Welch of Tunkhannock. Following were at Sayre Hospital Tuesday: Mrs. Cloyd Myers, Mrs. Merl Bigelow, Mrs. Agnes Lutes, Mrs.
Harry Bigelow. Parsons Parsons Copper Galvanized and Plastic Screening for Doors. Screens and Doors Sizes. Spectally Priced. Locks, Hinges, Paint.
TRETHAV Forty Fort Joan Anderson Gets $50 Prize for Essay A. $50 prize for winning an essay contest on "Why the Handicapped was awarded Saturday morning to Joan Anderson, a junior at Forty Fort High School and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. S.
Anderson of 81 Welles Street. The prize was awarded by Edwin J. Lowe, general chairman of Wyoming Valley Committee for Employment of the Physically Handicapped in behalf of the committee that sponsored the contest here. Miss Anderson's prize winning essay will be entered in State-wide competition and the essay adjudged best in Pennsylvania will compete with prize-winning essays of the other 47 States. SCHOOL EXHIBITS Forty Fort Schools will hold an exhibit of their art and penmanship work from 3 to 5 p.m.
and from 7 to 9 p.m. on the following days: Tuesday, O. B. Pettebone School; Wednesday, Dana Street School; Thursday, Durkee Street School. The high school exhibit will be June 8 from 7 to 9 p.m.
The exhibits are open to the public. MARRIED 25 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Morris Green of 144 Butler Street, observed their silver wedding anniversary Friday. They have four daughters, Hannah, Hilda, Rose and Rena, at Mrs.
Green is the former Sarah Gelb of Swoyerville. FLAG DISPLAY SOUGHT Burgess Charles Stretch requests that flags be displayed for the late Corp. Edward D. Jones, whose body arrives here this afternoon. AT STELLA CHURCH Stella Rev.
Paul Keppel, pastor of Presbyterian Church, anthis nounces the following events for week: Tonight at 8, first meeting of Junior Missionary Society. Tuesday, session meeting at the home of William Coutts, 1660 Men's Wyoming Avenue. Wednesday, Bible Class meeting. Thursday afternoon, religious education classes. Thursday night, prayer meeting and Bible study.
Stella Choir will rehearse at 7 and the Senior Choir at 8. Saturday, Carol Choir will rehearse at 1. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Rev. Joseph L. Weisley, pastor of Forty Fort Presbyterian Church, announced yesterday the following events for this week: Tonight at meeting of Charlotte Welles Missionary Society.
Wednesday, 8, social tea with program presented by Ladies' Society. Friday, 8, Ethel A. Ure meeting. METHODIST NOTES Forty Fort Methodist Church events for this week: Tonight at 6:30, Men's Class covered dish supper. Installation of officers.
Tuesday, 7, Junior High Methodist Youth Fellowship. Wednesday, 8, Amicita Class Meeting. Thursday, 7:30, Wilkes-Barre District Methodist Youth Fellowship at First Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre, with Rev. Dr. Henry H.
Crane, of Detroit as speaker. Hanover Twp. LEGION TO HOLD RITES American Legion Post 609 will meet tonight at 8 at the club rooms, 140 the Lee Park Avenue. Following meeting, the members will go to the home of their late comrade, Stanley Zukauskas, Keith Street, to conduct memorial services. Members of the post also will conduct services at the funeral tomorrow morning.
GOP WOMEN DINE Republican Women of the 7th Ward, 1st and 2nd Districts, held a dinner at Stein's recently. Present were Mrs. Jean Uzdilla, Mrs. Margaret McGuiness, Mrs. Emma Miller, Mrs.
Mary Uklya, Mrs. Julia Zavatski, Mrs. Mary Barber, Mrs. Adelaide Woodburn, Mrs. Polly Williams, Mrs.
Irma Lewis, Mrs. Mildred Williams. TO SERVE SUPPER WSCS of Askam Methodist Church will serve a roast beef supper in the church parlors on. Wednesday at 5:30. Public is invited.
SCOUTS TO MEET Girl Scouts of Troop 63 will tonight at 6:30 in Douglass Presbyterian Church parlors. WSCS TO MEET Askam WSCS will have a business and social meeting Friday night at 7:45 in the church parlors. PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Williams have returned to Baltimore after visiting Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Williams, Strand Street, and Mr. and Mrs. Gomer Williams, Oxford Street, Lee Park. DOUGLASS NOTES Board of trustees will meet tonight at 7 in the church parlors.
SFL Club will meet Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Dewey Thomas, Knox Street. Prayer service will be held Wednesday night at 7:30. Communicant's dinner for members who were taken in the church during the year, also for officers of the church will be held Thursday night at 6 in the church parlors. BAPTIST NOTES Junior Baptist Youth Fellowship will meet Tuesday night at 6:30 and Baptist Youth Fellowship at 7:15.
Youth Choir will rehearse Tuesday night at 8. Wednesday night at 7, office workshop in Baptist Tabernacle. Prayer service will be held Thursday night at 7:30. Adult Choir will rehearse Friday night at 8. Ashley TROOP 80 TO MEET Boy Scouts of Troop 80 of Holy Rosary Church will meet tonight after services in the church basem*nt.
The following organizations are asked to have representatives at the meeting: Ann's Guild, CWV Post 274, VFW, St. Vincent's and Ashley Sokols. GAY CALLS PLAYERS All players desiring to be on the Ashley Presbyterian softball team are asked to report at the home of Kenneth Gay, 107 West Hartfordd Street, on Tuesday night for practice. ROOSEVELT Shown at "John Loves Mary" Ronald Reagan, Jack Carson Patricia Neal Larksville EN ROUTE TO STATES Edwardsville. '33 CLASS TO MEET Martin M.
Manik, seaman, USN, son of John Manik of 43 West Broadway, is scheduled to arrive in Norfolk, May 24, after a five-month cruise in the Mediterranean aboard the light anti-aircraft cruiser USS Spokane. Earlier this month he visited the French Riviera and farewell Oran, Algeria, prior bidding to Europe at the Rock of Gibraltar and sailing for home. Only Glasses Relieve Eyestrain. Dr. Johnson, Optometrist, 45 Zerbey, Class of 1933 of Larksville High School will meet tomorrow night at 8 at the high school to plan for a class reunion.
Dallas OES RUMMAGE SALE Rummage sale being held by Dallas Chapter, OES, will open this morning at 9:30 at the Keller Building, Main Street, Luzerne. Mrs. Myrtle Rineman is chairman. BAND PARENTS TO MEET Band Parents will meet tonight at 7 at Dallas Borough School. MOTHER-DAUGHTER TEA Dallas Senior and Junior Women's Clubs held a combined mother-daughter tea at Dallas Township High School auditorium Wednesday night.
Tea and other lunch were served by members the Parent-Teacher Association of the Dallas Township Schools. Present: Mrs. John A. Girvan, Mrs. R.
E. VanHorn, Mrs. Charles M. Whitesell, Mrs. Charles F.
Smith, Mrs. Harry Eshleman, Mrs. Albert Arnold, Mrs. E. V.
Hartman, Mrs. W. H. Derolf, Mrs. Harold G.
Shiber, Mrs. Raymond J. Elston, Mrs. Charles Nicol, Mrs. R.
J. W. Templin, Mrs. Jack Loucks, Mrs. Louise Davies, Mrs.
Thomas E. Cease, Mrs. O. L. Harvey, Mrs.
Robert Fleming, Mrs. J. C. Fleming, Miss Peggy Davis, Mrs. Donald E.
Davis, Mrs. Russell Case, Mrs. Stanley Davis, Mrs. Ralph Whipp, Mrs. Walter Shaver, Mrs.
William Ockenhouse, Mrs. Herman LaBar, Mrs. Herbert Lohman, Emma Ruth Shaver, Mrs. S. J.
Margellina, Mrs. Edward J. Keller, Mrs. Frances Quaill, Mrs. J.
Misson, Mrs. Donald Bulford, Mrs. Oscar L. Roth, Mrs. Nelson Shaver, Alice Shaver, Mrs.
Edwin T. Roth, Mildred Devens, Mrs. A. C. Devens, Mrs.
C. Roscoe Lee, Mrs. D. P. Honeywell, Mrs.
Joseph Rauch, Mrs. Burt Lewis, Mrs. R. L. Hallock.
Mrs. F. B. Garris, Mrs. R.
F. Garris, Mrs. A. N. Garinger, Mrs.
C. B. Johnson, Mrs. Harry Ohl- man, Mrs. A.
G. Rutherford, Mrs. Jay Llewellyn, Mrs. Paul Goddard, Mrs. Airs: Pruett, Mrs.
A. Prutzman, Howard Woolbert, Mrs. Norman Patton, Mrs. Algert Antanaitis, Mrs. Charles Mahler, Mrs.
Peter G. Rekus. Mrs. William Purcell, Mrs. Frederick J.
Eck, Mrs. Robert A. Williams, Mrs. Lewis J. Reese, Mrs.
Robert B. Lewis, Mrs. Leonard Harvey, Mrs. Howard Garris, Mrs. Harold Payne, Mary Bennallack, Rita Cummings, Mrs.
Joseph Schmerer, Mrs. Wilson J. Maury, Mrs. Wilbur Davis, Mrs. Ralph C.
Garris, Mrs. Edgar S. Brace, Mrs. Patrick Riethoffer, Mrs. William Stewart, Mrs.
Ralph K. Garrahan, Mrs. Elizabeth McEvoy, Mrs. Robert J. Williams, Mrs.
Leland S. Guyette, Mrs. Ned Guyette, Miss Betty Varker, Mrs. Thomas Varker, Mrs. Stella Cummings, Mrs.
Thomas G. Reese, Mrs. J. R. Moore, Mrs.
Robert F. Moore, Mrs. John M. Hislop, Mrs. David Evans, Mrs.
R. W. Brown, Mrs. Roger Owens, Mrs. A.
A. Maccali, Mrs. I. L. Brace, Mrs.
Gordon J. Austin, Mrs. Clyde Mrs. Albert Weid, Mrs. James F.
Besecker, Mrs. George W. Nichols, Mrs. Willard Garey, Mrs. Verna Isaacs, Mrs.
Margaret B. Evans, Mrs. J. G. Maza, Mrs.
J. R. Schurz, Shirley M. Swan, Mrs. James Keiper, Rosalind Keiper, Mrs.
Gwilym Davies, Mrs. Bernard Whitney, Mrs. Allen Montross, Mrs. Howard Yeager, Mrs. Robert L.
Dolbear, Mrs. Donald Harris, Mrs. Sherman H. Harter, Mrs. Alva Eggleston, Mrs.
Harry Gallagher, Mrs. George Taylor, Mrs. David Geraghty. Mrs. John Richards, Mrs.
Hazel Bogart, Mrs. Fred Stevens, Mrs. Arthur Newman, Mrs. Andrew Bittenbender, Mrs, Christopher Hill, Mrs. Gus Condoras, Mrs.
John Yalick, Mrs. Nelson Cook, Mrs. Steven Yalick, Mrs. John Dungey, Mrs. Wilson R.
Garinger, Mrs. Russell W. Parsons, Mrs. Howard Purcell. Mrs.
Harold Brobst, Mrs. Robert M. Casey, Mrs. W. H.
Baker, Mrs. Angelo Giunta, Mrs. Willard W. Hoover, Mrs. Edward Elston, Mrs.
Alfred Bronson, Mrs. Delmar N. Beseeker, Mrs. Robert Rogers, Mrs. Howard Jackson.
Mrs. John Shupp, Mrs. John Butler, Mrs. Ralph Dixon, Mrs. William Deibert, Nancy Deibert.
Janet Haycox, Mrs. Jack Barnes, Mrs. L. L. Richardson, Mrs.
H. M. Strub, Mrs. Charles Rattigan, Mrs. Floyd Ide, Miss Estella Ide, Mrs.
Dan Robinhold, Mrs. George B. Turn, Mrs. Ross Lewin, Mrs. V.
A. Shindel, Mrs. Jonathan C. Valentine, Mrs. James Sullivan, Bettie Sullivan, Mrs.
Grover Anderson, George Weintz. TO ADDRESS PTA Dr. J. Franklin Robinson, child psychologist and head of the Children's Service Center, WilkesBarre, will speak at the ParentTeacher Association meeting of Dallas Borough Schools tonight at 8. METHODIST NOTES at 6:30.
interested should Church softball, practice tonight call Richard Owens. WSCS will meet Tuesday night at 7:30 at the church social rooms. for installation of officers. Tea will be served. Members of the committee will be Mrs.
J. Wesley Himmler, Mrs. Ralph Hallock, Mrs. Arthur Dungey, Mrs. Fred Welsh.
Church Family Night will be held Wednesday night at 6:15. Those attending should bring a covered dish, table service and rolls. Dr. M. C.
Rumbaugh will present motion pictures taken on' his recent trip to Hawaii. The anniversary committee will meet after the program. Jessie Austin Brickel Memorial Class will meet at the church social rooms Friday night at 8. Durbin Class will meet at the home of Mrs. L.
L. Richardson of Terrace Drive Friday night at 8. HIMMLER DALLAS Shews 7:00, "Loves of Carmen" (In Technicstor) with RITA HAYWORTH Josephine Pugh Dies Mrs. Josephine of 335 Simpson Street, Swoyerville, died this morning at in WilkesBarre General Hospital. She was admitted May 3.
Catherine Krzyscin Dies Mrs. Catherine Krzyscin, 58, of 831 Main Street, Avoca, died last night at 11 in Pittston Hospital. Hunlock Creek Evans 4th in King's Point Class of 210 Cadet Midshipman Thomas P. Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Emmett Thomas of RFD 1, Hunlock Creek, has been awarded the scholastic star for academic honors at the United States Merchant MaAcademy, Kings Point, Long Island, N. award is those Cadet-Midshipmen elven, average grade at the end of a quarter places them in the upper cent. of the Engine or Deck CadetMidshipmen their respective then privileged wear a star inclasses. The Cadet is signia on all uniforms which designates the honor he has attained. Cadet Midshipman Evans placed 4th in his class of 210 men.
Kingston Twp. MEN'S CLUB TO MEET Club of Shavertown Methodist Church will meet Tuesday night at the church social rooms. Members of Trucksville Methodist Church Men's Club will be guests. CLASS MEETS ville Reynolds Methodist Bible Class of Trucks- last Church week at the home of Mrs. R.
A. Finney. and Mrs. led J. the B.
devotional Schooley serv- preice. The sum of $10 was given to the cancer fund. Mrs. Sarah Pealer sang and there was group singing. Mrs.
S. R. Henning was accompanist. Rev. Robert T.
Webster was a visitor. Present: Mrs. Emma Anthony, Mrs. Arch Baker, Mrs. Jennie Bennett, Mrs.
Stanley Case, Mrs. Wilson Cease, Mrs. Elmer Coolbaugh, Mrs. John Dykman, Miss Marion Courtright, Miss Lucy Courtright, Mrs. Gwilym Evans, R.
A. Finney, Mrs. S. D. Finney, Mrs.
William Glace. Mrs. Harry Glace, Mrs. Arthur Grant, Mrs. Earl Gregory, Mrs.
William Gregory, Mrs. Raymond Gregory, Mrs. Clyde Haskins, Mrs. Samuel Harrison, Mrs. Ralph Hazeltine, Mrs.
C. S. Hemenway, Mrs. S. R.
Henning, Mrs. Lorey Johnson, Sheldon Jones, Mrs. Elizabeth Keller. Mrs. Neual Kester, Mrs.
Bruce Long, Mrs. Francis McCarty, Mrs. C. S. Norris, Mrs.
Charles Palmer, Mrs. Sarah Pealer, Mrs. Charles Perkins, Mrs. Ben Post, Mrs. J.
B. Schooley, Mrs. William Shoemaker, Mrs. Carl Stock, Mrs. Albert Williams, Mrs.
David Williams, Mrs. Arch Woolbert and Mrs. Harold Yorks. ENTERTAINS AT SHOWER Mrs. Robert Walsh of Trucksville entertained at a shower for her sister-in-law, Mrs.
Martin Hoban of Wilkes-Barre. Other guests were Mrs. Marion Walsh, Helen Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walsh, Martin Hogan, Tommy Walsh and Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Walsh. ATTEND CONVENTION Several local persons attended the County Sunday School Convention held last week in First Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre. They are Mrs. Earl Hons, Mrs.
A. George Prater, Mrs. Walter Shaver, Mrs. John Henninger and Mrs. W.
H. Morgan of Shavertown. Mrs. Morgan led devotions at the Children's Division of the afternon session and Mrs. Hons led the discussion in the Primary group.
Mrs. W. H. Morgan was installed as director of Vacation Church School work with Mrs. Earl Hons as assistant.
TEACHERS MEET presided at the meeting. 20-30 CLUB MEETS Teachers and officers of the Children's Division of the town Methodist Church School met recently to plan for the annual Children's Day program to be held June 12 at 10:30, with a combined Sunday School hour and morning service. Plans also were made for the Daily Vacation Bible School, to open on June 13. Rev. Howard R.
Harrison, pastor, will be dean. William Davis, superintendent, Twenty-Thirty Club of Shavertown Methodist Church met re: cently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eberle. Plans were made for a combined picnic with the Lutheran, Methodist and Presbyterian Churches of Kingston, Forty Fort and Wilkes-Barre, be held June 18 at Pine Grove.
Committees appointed: Refreshments, Robert Williams; athletics, Mary Lo Eberle; entertainment, Lemuel Troster, Eleanor Troster, George Jacobs; administration, Charles Eberle. The club will hold a square dance on Saturday, June 21. The next meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dourand, with Mr.
and Mrs. William Davis as assistant hosts. Present: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brown, Mr.
and Mrs. Sheldon Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark, Mr. and Mrs.
William Davis, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Dourand, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Faatz, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Garris, Rev. Howard R. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs.
George Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snow, Mr.
Robert Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Eberle. MAY PARTY Service Mothers and will hold a May party in Trucksville Fire TOWNSHIP NOTES Truckswille Wives' Club tonight at 8 Hall. Mr.
and Mrs. Levi La France of Meshoppen and Mr. and Mrs. Nile Frempter of Mehoopany were guests recently of Mr. and Mrs.
Neual Kester of Trucksville. Paul Winter of Shavertown went to Cleveland on business. He stopped at the home of his son Richard, in Pittsburgh, on the way. Mrs. Gordon Edwards of Shavertown is recuperating at her home following an Illness.
SHAVER and SHAVERTOWN "He Walked By Night" with Richard Baschart Comedy Edwardsville It's News Phone KINGSTON 1-2121 Wilkes- Wilkes-Barre. or Barre Mall It Becord, to No Toll Charge WEST SIDE FORTY FORT LUZERNE COURTDALE PRINGLE Band Parents to Lay Picnic Plans Tonight Kingston Band Parents will meet at 8 in the high school cafeteria. for when the annual plans will band be picnic dis to be held next month. Llewellyn Thomas will preside the business session. A social hour will Weale.
follow in charge of Mrs. Roy All parents of Junior Reserve and Senior Band members are invited to attend. TO ADDRESS KIWANIS J. S. McCraken, director of Washington Engineering Institute, will speak Tuesday night at 6:30 at the meeting of Forty FortKingston Kiwanis Club at Turner's Restaurant.
His topic will be "Is LOGAN CLASS TO MEET William F. Logan Bible Class will conduct a supper meeting tonight at 6:30 in the parlors of Kingston Presbyterian Church. Stephen Heller, principal speaker, will relate his experiences while a prisoner in a Russian concentration camp. Attorney and Mrs. John Morris will preside.
DORRANCETON METHODIST Events for this week at Dorranceton Methodist Church: Tuesday, 6:30, Boys' and Girls' Choir rehearsal; 8, Goodwill Class meeting. Wednesday, 6:30, motherdaughter spring dinner of WSCS. Thursday, 7:30, prayer service; last chapter of the Book of Mark. Pringle AUXILIARY MEETS Pringle Fire Department Auxiliary met recently in the Pringie Borough Building. Mrs.
Helen. Bartkowski presided. Hostesses were Mrs. Lottie Christopher and Mrs. Mary Connolly.
Present: Mrs. Nan Antall, Mrs. Helen Bartkowski, Mrs. Mary Connolly, Mrs. Stella Evonski, Mrs.
Josephine Lane, Mrs. Mary Mayewski, Mrs. Pauline Pecukonis, Mrs. Jean Snyder, Mrs. Eva Zawoiski, Mrs.
Pearl Klekota, Celestine Moryewski, Mrs. 'Stella Novitski, Mrs. Celia Zawoiski, Mrs. Mrs. Lottie Christopher, 3 Miss.Mary Stella Faust, Mrs.
Mary: Bunoski, Krivenko, Helen Smith, Mrs. Veronica, Tolotovicz, Mrs. Stella Washko, Mrs, Josephine Zezeskie. TO BE WED 2 YEARS Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Zawatski will celebrate their second wedding anniversary tomorrow. They were married in St. Mary's GC Church by Rev. Emil Semetkovsky and were a attended by Anna Barnick, Pringle, sister of the bride, and Frank Stolark of Kingston. Mrs.
Zawatski is the former Miss Stella Barnick, daughter of Mrs. Eva Barnick of 465 Hoyt Street. Mr. Zawatski the son of Mrs. Victoria Zawatski of 120 Walnut Street, Plymouth.
They are the parents of a daughter. MARRIED 22 YEARS Mr. Mrs. Peter Novitski, 13 Webster Street, recently celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary. They were married in St.
Mary's Lithuanian Church by Rev. George Inczura and were attended by Mrs. Mary Sharkus Bunoski of Pringle, cousin of the bride, and Michael Novitski, Exeter, brother of the bridegroom. Mrs. Novitski is the former Mary Mazetis, daughter of Anthony and Mary Mazetis also of 13 Webster Street.
Mr. Novitski is the son of William and Anna Novitski of Orchard Street, Exeter. They are the parents of four children, Robert, Anna Mae, John and Thomas. PERSONALS Mrs. Elizabeth Handley is recuperating at her home on Broad Street after being a patient General Hospital where she had an operation.
Bank Day tomorrow in the Pringle Borough Schools. Montrose Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grace, and the former's mother, James J. Grace, drove to Patuxent River, on Friday to meet Mr.
Grace's brother, Lt. Philip Grace of the U. S. Navy Air Corps, who arrived at Patuxent River in a plane he piloted from Port Lyautey, French Morocco, Saturday afternoon. Grace, who has been stationed at Port Lyautey for the past year, accompanied his family to Montrose and is spending a seven-day leave here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Trueman Noyes and twin daughters, Emily Bullard and Anne Trueman, have returned to Milwaukee, after visiting Mrs. Miss Hope Bullard, Monument" Square. Mrs.
Stanley spent the week end at her former home in Philadelphia. George Armstrong of Palm Beach, visited at his home here last week en route to Shawnee- on- the- Delaware where he will spend the summer. Roger Wood of Forest Lake Has secured a clerical position in the First and Farmers National Bank and Trusts Company in Montrose. Miss Nancy Colby has completed her studies as a freshman at West Chester State Teachers College and will arrive here Tuesday to spend the summer with her mother, Mrs. J.
A. Calby. Miss Florence Courtright is spending several days in New York City. Mr. and Mrs.
William Bailey and home on Alien Street, which they family moved from their recently sold to Robert Snyder, to an apartment in the of Mrs. Bailey's mother, Mrs. Baxter, Cliff Street. Avoca EN ROUTE TO STATES Charles H. Carrithers, radarman, second class, USN, son of Mrs.
George Harris of 817 Main Street, is scheduled to arrive in Norfolk, May 24, after a fivemonth cruise in the Mediterranean aboard the light -aircraft cruiser USS Spokane. Earlier this month he visited the French Riviera and Oran, Algeria, prior to bidding farewell to Europe at the Rock of Gibraltar and sailing for home. NOXEN THEATER NOXEN Shows at and "FURY AT FURNACE CREEK" Vietor Mature, Coleen Gray Glean Langan Shorts GOP WOMEN TO MEET Fifth Ward Republican Women's Club will meet Wednesday night at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Albert Maxwell, 12 Lincoln Street. Mrs.
Nellie Cadwalader will be assisting hostess. TO SEE A'S PLAY Presbyterian Women Entertain at Tea held Margaret Memorial of the Mother, and daughter tea was Presbyterian Church recently with 100 present. Refreshment tables were decorated with spring flowers and lighted tapers. Mrs. Ralph Kellar and Mrs.
J. E. Scheifly poured. Mrs. James Boyer sang, accompanied by Mrs.
Ralpn Buckingham. Mrs. Raymond O. Hale gave the address of welcome. Corsages were presented to all mothers.
The program, in charge of Mrs. Raymond O. Hale, who was assisted by Mrs. Bala Neary, included a vocal solo by Mrs. James Boyer, a reading by Miss Marilyn Morgan and a trumpet solo by Elmer James, accompanied at the piano by Miss Ruth Schleicher.
The highlight of the program was Robert Ervin, Kingston Hign School student, who presented a half hour of magic. Mrs. Arthur Powell was chairman of the lies and Mrs. James Brownlee, co-chairman. On the refreshments committee were Mrs.
Arthur Powell, James Brownlee who were assisted by Mrs. Melvin Vivian, Mrs. Earl Ross and Mrs. Robert Clarke. GIRL, SCOUT NOTES All troops of West Side District of Wyoming Valley Girl Scouts are asked to turn in the Juliette Low containers to the Girl Scout office today.
The district with the largest number of participants will be awarded the World Flag during the International Pageant at Irem Temple on Friday. Pennsylvania Dutch Decalcomanias. Texttle and DEK-ALL Ceramic Painting Sets. Artists' Materials. Wallpaper.
Paints. Rugs. Sanding and Waxing Machines For Rent. Ellis Bloch, 649 Wyoming Avenue. AA GROUP ON VISIT A group of eight members of the Shore Line, Alcoholics Anonymous attended a meeting of the West Side Branch on Saturday night.
In the afternoon they spoke at Luzerne County Prison at the request of Warden William B. Healey. KIWANIS WOMEN First luncheon meeting of Forty Fort-Kingston Kiwanis Women was held recently at King's Inn with Mrs. Irwin Glasser, newly elected president, presiding. Mary Lee Slivinske sang.
Mrs. Alfred Teitsworth is chairman of the June meeting, assisted by Mrs. William Reese, Mrs. Walter Eaton and Mrs. Howard Pettebone.
Red Peeler's Barber Shop Now Located at 376 Elm Street, Three Doors off Pringle -Street. PRESBYTERIAN NOTES Rev. William A. Parsons, pastor of Kingston Presbyterian Church, announced the following events this week: Tonight at 6:30. W.
F. Logan Adult Bible Class covered dish supper. Tuesday, 7:30, Board of Governors of the Men's Council. Wednesday, 4, story hour for children; 8, Adult Choir. Thursday, 3:45, Junior Choir; 7, Westminster Choir; 7:30, Quiet Hour, study of Colossians.
AT WESTMOOR CHURCH Events this week at Westmoor Church of Christ as announced yesterday by Rev. George H. Alexander, pastor: Today at 3:45, Junior Choir rehearsal: 7:30, official board meeting. Tuesday, 8, Friendship Class. Wednesday, 7:45, WHO Class.
Thursday, 7:30, prayer meeting; 8:30, Senior Choir rehearsal. AT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Rev. Thomas B. Shearer, pastor of Wyoming Christian Church announces the following events this week: Tonight at 8, Men's Brotherhood meeting in the social rooms of the church; Tuesday, 6:30, Sunday School Board dinner meeting at the White Beauty College; Wednesday, 7:30, meat cutting demonstration and radio quiz in the social rooms of the church; Thursday, choir rehearsal then prayer meeting instead of Wednesday night. KINGSTON METHODIST Following events for this week were announced yesterday by Rev.
Charles W. Phillips, pastor of First Methodist Church: Tuesday, 4:15, Intermediate Girl Scouts; 7:45, W. M. Multer. Me4 Senior Girl Scouts, Boy morial Class meeting at home of Mrs.
Margaret Lewis, 400 Chestnut Street; 8:30, Couples Club. Wednesday, 6:30, Chancel Choir; 7:30, Senior Choir. Thursday, 7:30, district youth meeting at First Methodist Church, Wilkes-Barre. Saturday, 11, Junior Choir. Farmer Mike's Sport Club, Main Street, will leave for Shibe Park, Philadelphia, on Sunday where members attend the doubleheader between Cleveland and the Athletics.
Bus will leave Mike's Restaurant Sunday morning at 7, and reservations must be made early this week. CLASS HAS DINNER Friendship Class of the Welsh Baptist Church held its motherdaughter dinner at the church recently. It was largely attended. Mrs. Thomas Wilson was toastmaster.
Junior Choir sang. Readings were given by Misses Rhea Morris, Sally Ann Riefenstahl, Dianne Frey, Mary Moritz and Mrs. James Williams. A sketch was given by Elizabeth and Carol Jones. One of the highlights of the program was a sketch given by the Junior Choir which portrayed the older members of the church.
Ivy plants were presented as favors and the Junior Choir members presented their mothers with plants. Prizes were awarded as follows: Oldest mother, Mrs. James Williams; youngest mother, Mrs. Thelma Shrader; mother with the daughters present, Mrs. Owen Williams; mother with the youngest daughter, Mrs.
Fred Stemple. Mrs. Thomas Wilson received a corsage. Dinner was served by members of the men's Baraca. Class.
AMERICANISM DAY "I Am an Day" was observed in all the churches yesterday. In Bethesda, James Pugh read one of Lincoln's addresses and also gave a poem, "I Am An American." At Edwards Memorial post of the American Legion atevening service, which the 1c local tended, the chaplain of the post, Thomas Doughton, had charge of devotions and the choir sang two numbers. The pastor, Rev. J. C.
Wetzel, preached on "Loyalty." Immanuel Baptist and the Presbyterian Church also observed the day. PERSONALS John Roberts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Roberts, who has charge of the Pit ston City Junior Band, gave his first recital at the high auditorium in that city on Thursday and Friday. Mrs.
Thomas Kane, Main Street, has returned after being a patient at the University of Pennsylvania Hospital in Philadeplhia. Mrs. Thomas Doughton, who has been a patient in Nesbitt Hospital, will return home this evening. While there she gave birth to a set of twins, a daughter, Gail, and a son, Thomas, 3rd. Mrs.
Mary Morris of Main Street patient in the Nesbitt Hospital. CHURCH ACTIVITIES Bethesda Congregational--Tuesday evening 7:30, prayer service; 8, Reapers' Missionary Society. Wednesday morning 10. quilting. Thursday evening, 6, bowlers' dinner served by the women of the church.
Friday and Saturday, State conference at Edwards Memorial; Saturday, 2:30, State Pilgrim Fellowship conference here. Immanuel Baptist Tuesday evening, prayer service followed by Senior Choir rehearsal; 8:30, trustees meet; also at 8:30, Young Adult Choir rehearsal. Thursday at 8:30, Young hearsal. Friday evening, Helpers' League Fellowship. tea, young adult group will provide the entertainment.
Edwards Memorial -This evening at 5, of the church will meet for work, also on Tuesday evening. Tuesday evening, 7:30, prayer service, William G. Davies in charge. Thursday commencing at 1 p. m.
and continuing until Sunday afternoon, State conference of Congregational and Christian Churches will meet. Welsh Baptist Junior BYF Tuesday evening. Intermediates Wednesday evening 6:30. Senior BYF Wednesday evening at 7:30. Friendship class at the home of Mrs.
Nicholas Weiss on Rice Avenue. West Pittston AT STATE COLLEGE Mr. and Mrs. Steryl Serfess of Philadelphia Avenue and Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Barber of Montgomery Avenue spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Barber of State College. GRAND EDWARDSVILLE Shows at 1 and 9:10 "COMMAND DECISION" Clark Gable, Van Johnson, Walter Pidgeon Cartoon News NEVER "ISN'T IT BELIEVE WONDERFUL WHAT IT WAS THE I FEW SHINGLES, SAME HOUSE' A LITTLE PAINT.