The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)


Carbondale, July Peekskill Highlanders gave Kocienda his first setback of the season while trimming the Carbondale Pioneer Blues, 10-6, last before about 1,000 people at Russell Park. Carbondale led 2-1 going into the seventh inning, but the Highlanders came up with two runs in this frame to go out front. Three more tallies in the eighth frame sent Kocienda to the showers. Peekskill scored four times off Smith in the final inning, The Blues belted Zilian from the mound in the ninth frame after two men were out. Heyman got on by an error and Green and Klimczak walked.

Al sent Heyman and Green across with double. Watson hit another two-base hit to score Klimczak and sent Zilian to the showers. Forwood kept the rally alive with walk off Cingolania, but Joe O'Connell went down on strikes to end the long fray. Peekskill concludes its current series here tonight with a single game at 8:15 o'clock. The box score: CARBONDALE AB.

R. Klimezak, Watson, Gindele, AN Forwood, O'Connell, 3b. Kriedler, 1b. Hood, c. Green, M.

Smith, Kocienda, p. A a-Heymen OH00 Totals al al PEEKSKILL AB. R. Columbo, 2b. Van Herpe, Gardella, 1b.

Lukasiuk, Sabrinsky, 3b. ct. ON Leach, c. Zilian, p. Flesland, Cingolani, Lugisland, r.

M. 00000. Totals 36 10 10 27 16 a- -Heymen for Smith in ninth. Score by inningsPeekskill -10 Carbondale Runs batted in--Watson, Kocienda, Columbo, Lugisland, Flesland, Zilian, Leach, Gindele, 2. Earned runsPeekskill, Carbondale, 5.

Two-base hits- -Watson, Forwood, Columbo, Flesland. Gindele. Three-base hit-Lugisland. Stolen bases- -Van Herpe, Gardella, Lugisland, Sabrinsky, Leach. Sacrifices -Green, Gardella.

Double playsForwood to Kriedler: Leach to Van Herpe: Zilian to Van Herpe to Gardella. Left on bases -Peekskill, 10; Carbondale, 8. Bases on balls -Kocienda, Smith, Zilian, Cingolani, 1. StrikeoutsKoeienda, Zilian. 1.

Hits- Off Zilian, 9 for 6 runs in innings; Kocienda, 8 for 6 runs in Cingolani, 0 for 0 runs in Wilson, 2 for runs in Hit by pitcher- By Smith (Gardella). Passed ball Leach, Winning pitcher Zilian. Losing pitcher Kocienda. Umpires Hughes and Spagnola. Time of SECOND BURGLARY WITHIN WEEK IS REPORTED 1 TO LOCAL POLICE Carbondale, July burglary, the second within a week in Central City, also another attempted entry were reported to the police this morning.

The entry at Collins' Cigar Store, 37 North Main Street, was gained through a transom after the window had been forced. A small amount of money which was left in the cash register for change was taken, but there was evidence of the place having been ransacked. An attempt was also made to enter the Kosher Meat Market, 1 Pike Street, conducted by Al Eisenstadt. A woman, who was awakened by the noise of the burglars, scared them away and notified the police. Patrolmen Joseph Mazza and Richard McAllister investigated and found that the door had been cut and a bar had been used to pry it open, PURCHASE OF BUILDING TO BE DECIDED AT MEETING OF CLUB Carbondale, July Italian Sportsmen's Club at a special meeting to be held at 8 o'clock tomorrow evening will take definite action on a proposal for the purchase of the Creo property at 21 Hospital Street, the present location of their clubrooms, President Footie Molinaro has announced.

In the event of a decision by the membership to acquire the property, it is proposed to enlarge the present one-story frame structure in order to expand the activities of the club, one of the oldest organizations in the city devoted to the promotion of sports of all sorts as well as social affairs. Newton Lake Tonight Lee Vincent Orchestra. Buses from Memorial Park at 8 P. M. Jy10-t1 WILL RECEIVE ARTS DEGREE Carbondale, July Shirley Stone, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. B. L. Stone of 7 Washington Place, has been notified by the dean of the College of Liberal Arts. Syracuse University, that she has satisfactorily completed her first year in medicine and at exercises on Aug.

26 will receive her degree in liberal arts, which course she completed a year ago. Tolerico Welding Co. Portable electric-acetylene weldIng. 22 Apple Ave. Phone 9171.

Adv -M8-Wed-t! MARRIED MONDAY MORNING Carbondale, July has been made the marriage of Miss Mildred Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Ross, 40 Canaan Street, to Raymond Sisson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Sisson of 79 Wyoming Street, at 9 o'clock Monday morning in St.

Rose Church. Rev. Martin J. Dacey performed the nuptial and the attendants were Miss Carmel Ealo and Paul Sisson, brother of the bridegroom. The couple will reside at 28 Copeland Avenue.

GRANVILLE CHILD SUCCUMBS Carbondale, July Jane Granville, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Granville, died last evening at the home of her maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Jones, 66 Wayne Street, there survives her paternal grandmother, Margaret Granville. The funeral will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon with services in the Jones home conducted by Rev. Clark R. Trumbore, Trinity Episcopal Church rector. Interment will be in Canaan Corners Cemetery.

ARCHBALD Belle Myers, Correspondent, 606 North Main Street. Phone Jermyn 335-J FUNERAL OF MRS. PETER PROPST WILL BE TOMORROW AFTERNOON Archbald, July funeral of Mrs. Peter Propst, well-known and highly esteemed resident of the borough, will be held tomorrow afternoon from the home of her son, Emery W. Propst, 347 Main Street.

Services will be conducted at the home at 2 o'clock by Rev. Cressy J. Hunt, pastor of the Archbald Presbyterian Church. Burial will be in the family plot in Abington Hills Cemetery. WILD HEAVE DECIDES GAME The Veterans' softball Bill Durkin, manager, won a close victory over Thomas' team by a score of to 3 in an interesting game last night on the Street Grounds.

The winning run for the Veterans was scored on a wild pitch. Bill Durkin was at bat with runners second and third base when the erratic heave was made, winning on the contest for Durkin's aggregation. Roggari and Newberry were the umpires. Experienced operators wanted. Archbald Sewing 140 Cherry St.

Social. Jy8-16 Auxiliary Plans Plans have been completed by the members East of the Hose Ladies' Auxiliary of Side Company for a social to be held in ting companies rooms Friday night at 8:15 o'clock. The public is invited. Grand Theatre Tonight Thursday, Mystery thriller, "Three -Jy10-tl FOREST CITY John Dunleavy, Correspondent, 503 Lackawanna Avenue Phone 42 Forest City, July American Legion Junior Drum Corps will hold another in its series of parties tomorrow evening at 8:15 o'clock in the legion hall. The proceeds from this party will be used to purchase equipment for the members of the corps.

Mr. and Mrs. John Dundulius, John Silver and Patsy Manchuk, all of Waterbury, Miss Jule Ross, Carbondale; James McCusker of Kearney, N. and Alice Lacky and Robert Lacky of Maynard, spent the Fourth of July at the home of Mrs. Cassie Slamas.

I will not be responsible for any debts except those contracted for by myself. NICHOLAS S. SUSCO, R. D. No.

2, Forest City. Adv. James McManus of Binghamton, N. visited at the home of his sister, Mrs. T.

P. McCormick, during the past week. MAYFIELD Francis Pidgeon, Correspondent. Phone Jermyn 237 SOFTBALL GAME TODAY Mayfield, July first local game on the schedule. of the newyl organized softball league sponsored by the Jermyn Lions' Club will take place on Shweda's field at 6 o'clock this evening when Tom Wiorkowski's Falcons will meet Tom Evans' Pirates of Jermyn.

Burgess Samuel Telech throw out the first ball in ceremonies preceding the fame. The Rams, under the leadership of Anthony Jaskowiec, and the Owls, under the leadership of Samuel Dreater, will play at Jermyn. Managers for the three local teams have been appointed as follows: Wiorkowski's Falcons, Donald Telep; Dreater's Owls, James Perry and Jaskowiec's Rams, Michael Bernoski. A complete schedule is being prepared for the remainder of the Summer. Other News Notes.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kiehart and son, Michael have, returned after visiting relatives in Brooklyn, N. Y. Eugene Holleran of Newark, N.

is spending his vacation with relatives in town. Newton Lake Tonight Lee Vincent Orchestra. -Jy10-t1 Nancy Miller of Newport News, is spending a month as the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Francis Pidgeon. Pvt.

Peter Nakonechny of Halloran General Hospital, Staten Island, N. Y. is spending a thirtyday convalescent furlough at the family home here. Walker Theater Tonight Only. "Masquerade In Mexico." Cartoon.

Jy10-t1 A short story, "Inside a Telephone Booth," by Patrick Christian has been accepted for publication in Judge, a humor magazine, Mr. and Mrs. William Kennedy Sr. and children have returned to Long Island City, N. after visiting relatives in town, EXETER Mrs.

Mary Shoemaker Mihalko Correspondent. 153 Lincoln Street. Phone 2824 taking a short course at Pennsylvania State College. Mrs. J.

Marion Reece and daughters, Mary Louise and Ellen, of Millville, visited Mrs. Reece's father, William Colt. Miss Elaine Crisman is working at Lake Como. JOHN HYZENSKI JR. DIES Exeter, July John Hyzenski eight-month-old son of Mr.

and Mrs. John Hyzenski, 17 Memorial Street, died yesterday afternoon at the Pittston Hospital following a short illness. Mrs. Hyzenski was formerly Miss Mamie Dombrosky. The funeral will be held from the home tomorrow morning with a blessing -service in St.

Joseph's Church, Wyoming, at 10 o'clock. Burial will be in the parish cemetery, Wyoming. Other News Notes. A party was held recently by the Doo-Little Club at Bonnie's Cafe, Wyoming Avenue, in honor of Mrs. Joseph Cicon, who celebrated her birthday anniversary.

Those present were: Mrs. John V. Hudak, John Kuntz, Mrs. George Skrinak, Mrs. John Davala and Mrs.

Joseph Cicon of Exeter, and Mrs. John Swetlik of Duryea. Mrs. Thomas Mesaris daughter, Helen, of Lincoln Street, are spending several weeks with Mrs. John Yancheson of Dearborn, Mich.

Mrs. Yancheson is a sister of Mrs. Mesaris. Robert and John Hancheson of Dearborn, recently visited Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Pesta of Lincoln Street. The mullet has a gizzard like chicken. pal of Meshoppen High School, is Midvalley Department Blakely-Peckville, Dickson City, Jessmp and Olyphant. JAMES F. McLAUGHLIN, Representative.

Home Phone, Olyphans 882-J. News Items and advertising tor The Times left at Burke's Pharmacy, Delaware Avenue and Lackawanna Street, Olyphant; Bloes' Pharmacy, 538 Main Street, Peckville; Turock's Restaurant, 1301 Main Street and Shannon's Drug Store, 733 Main Street, son City: Minicozzi's Drug Store. 322 Church mailed Street, and the Mitchell House, 122 Constitution Avenue, Jessup, or to the main office et The Times will receive prompt attention. DICKSON CITY PHILIP BIERCEWICZ IS NAMED D. A.

V. CHAPTER COMMANDER, Dickson City, July J. Biercewiez was elected commander of Chapter No. 11, Disabled American Veterans, at a meeting Monday night in the Dickson City. Borough Building.

Other officers are: Senior vice commander, Walter J. Gretkowski; vice commander, Andrew J. Frekey treasurer, Stanley Makowski; chaplain, Joseph J. Kownaski; adjutant, John Lapinski, and state executive committeeman, Stanley R. Coveleskie.

The installation of officers will take place July 27 in the Borough Building. CLAS NO. 6 TO HOLD SUPPER Class No. 6 of the Primitive Methodist Church will serve a covered dish supper at the home of Mrs. Mary Mureaux at Milford on Saturday afternoon.

Cars will leave from the church at 2 o'clock. TO PLAY CARBONDALE TEAM Turock's Miners' softball team will play the Carbondale Softies Friday night at 6 o'clock at the Crystal Gardens. The Miners, hold second place in the Dickson City Commercial Softball League. St. Mary's Party Tonite Bigger and Better Awards.

Adm. 60c, Tax Included. SPORTSMEN WILL MEET The Willing Sportsmen's Club will meet Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock. Summer activities will be discussed. Paul Baldini will preside.

Newton Lake Tonight Lee. Vincent Adv-3910-11 FRIENDSHIP CLASS MEETING his The Friendship Class of the Primitive Methodist Church will meet at the home of Mrs. John Watson, Main Street, tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. JESSUP JESSUP GIOMBETTI FUNERAL The funeral of Nello Giombetti, 1108 Ward Street, will be held from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Giombetti, 1107 Church Street, tomorrow morning at 9:30 o'clock with a solemn requiem mass in St. Mary's Assumption Church. Burial will be in the Glenwood Mausoleum on the Morgan Highway. VETERANS TO PICK DELEGATES Jessup, July Post No. 5544, Veterans of Foreign Wars, will meet tomorow night 8 o'clock in the post rooms.

Delegates will be elected to the national encampment, in Boston, in August, Victor Slivka will preside. SODALITY TO HOLD OUTING The Blessed Virgin Sodality of St. Mary's Assumption Church will meet tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the parish hall. Plans will be made for an outing. HOLY NAME SOCIETY MEETING The Holy Name Society of St.

Mary's Assumption Church will meet Friday night at 7:30 o'clock in the parish hall. Joseph Setta will preside. St. Mary's Party Tonight Bigger and Better Awards. Dundaff Dickson City.

Adm. 60c, Tax Included. -M15-Wed-tt Excelsior Club Meeting The Excelsior Club will meet tomorrow night at 8 o'clock in the WAYMART Eugene P. McMahon, Correspondent. Waymart, July and Mrs.

Jack Lyon and children of Jamaica, N. are spending two weeks at the home here of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Laverne B. Lyon here.

Mrs. George Bauner and daughter, Mildred of Trenton, N. are spending a week visiting at the home of Mr. G. Howard Gilpin.

Mr. and Mrs. George Moss and son, Woodrow, of Schenectady, N. spent the past week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Lester B. Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Harold E.

Knowles and three daughters of Bangor, are spending several weeks at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. Effie Wildenstein. Miss Jean Lippert, a student nurse at Robert Packer Hospital, Sayre, is vacationing at her parents home here. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Allen and children of Niagara Falls, N. are spending some time visiting H. at the Mr. and Mrs. B.

Hutchins. Mrs. William J. Murray of Jersey City, N. is spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs.

Mary E. McCabe. MONTROSE Montrose, July funeral of Mrs. Carl Fuller of Dimock, who died Monday, will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 o'clock in the Dimock Baptist Church. Interment will be in Sunnyside Cemetery, Tunkhannock.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mahon and Mrs. Anna Shea and daughter, Mary, were guests on Monday of Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Norris at their cottage at Lakeside. MILL: CITY MILL: CITY Mill City, July chicken supper will 'be served in the Meth- odist Church tomorrow evening. Serving will start at 5:30 o'clock. The public is invited. HONESDALE Correspondent, Marion L.

Bussa, Citizen Office. Phone 887 PAY INCREASE VOTED MEMBERS OF POLICE FORCE IN HONESDAL Honesdale, July Matthews of Church Street was appointed temporary extra patrolman on a per diem basis at the monthly meeting of the Honesdale Borough Council Monday night in Town Hall. The local police force also received an increase in salary, patrolmen being raised to $140 per month and the chief of police to $150. An ordinance was read and adopted prohibiting the use of sound cars. on borough streets on Sunday and prohibiting the same on other days of the week excepting for public occasions and upon the approval of the burgess and council president.

Penalties for violations were also provided. Police were instructed to enforce the laws governing dogs. The public safety committee was empowered to purchase one mile of wire to replace faulty wire in the fire alarm system. Business concerns were given the privilege of installing fire alarm systems which may connect with the borough system, installation providing it is a Gamewell and expense to be paid by the company installing the system. Julius Freund appeared before the council relative to a reported health menace between Twelfth and Eleventh Streets, that section being over run with rats.

Health Officer Jack S. Bussa was instructed to in- vestigate. MARY L. LANDRY OF OREGON IS BRIDE OF HONESDALE RESIDENT Miss Mary Louise Landry, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Paul O. Landry of 431 Pacific Terrace, Klamath Falls, and William L. Wasmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Wasmann of hurch StrCeet, were married on June 30 in the Sacred Heart Church, Klamath Falls, The couple were attended by Miss Ruth Landry, sister of the bride and Marvin Lucas.

Mr. and Mrs. Wasmann are en route east to visit his parents here and also tour the New England Staes and New York City. The bride is a student at the University of Oregon, where the bridegroom is also pursuing a course in the School of Administration. Mr.

Wasmann was a member of the United States Marine Corps with many months duty in the Pacific Area. He was Honesdale correspondent for The Scranton Tribune prior to entering the marines and also wrote for Honesdale newspapers. Board Appoints Teachers. At the monthly meeting of the school board of the Union School District of Honesdale on Monday ton Mills, Herbert was appointed vocanight, Stevens of Huntingtional agriculture and industrial arts teacher. He is a graduate of Penn State College and formerly taught at Boyerstown, Pa.

Mr. Stevens Bills will assume his position Aug. 1. amounting to $1,212.59 were ordered paid during the meeting, over which M. C.

Olver presided. Mrs. Blackwell Buried. Funeral services for Mrs. Ida M.

Blackwell of 1119 Court Street were held from the Steelman Funeral Home, Park Street, yesterday afternoon, with Rev. Joseph R. Pennell, pastor of Central Methodist Church, officiating. Interment was in Hillsire Cemetery, Damascus. Pallbearers were Ivan Sutliff, Verdum Jones, Clarence Butler and Joseph Walker.

Wayne Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Elwood Howell of Blooming Grove was admitted Tuesday to Wayne Memorial Hospital. Alvin Kreller of Narrowsburg, N. and Mrs.

John Hill of Lookout were admitted Monday. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tuthill of Waymart on Tuesday. Honesdale News Notes.

Mrs. Walter P. Bader and daughter, Mrs. Francis J. Scanlon, and son, Steve, Johnstown, are visiting at the home of Miss Ann Bader, Thirteenth Street.

Mrs. Lee Crocker of Kearny is also at the same home. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Decker of Overbrook Avenue have purchased from Mr.

and Mrs. Irving S. Dix of Westside Avenue two lots at Island Lake, Northern Wayne County. Miss Marjorie Pethick and Miss Millie Reaver, students at Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, spent the holiday weekend at the home of teh former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.

W. D. Pethick, Fifteenth Street. Miss Margaret Hutchinson and Miss Anna Mae Pethick are spending two weeks at Camp Archbald, Lake Ely. EYNON Eynon Theatre Today.

Packed with action and thrills. Dana Andrews in "Walk In the Sun." Jy10-tl o'clock in the church. Medical exobtained amination at blanks for camp may be this time and must be returned no later than Saturday. Misses Pauline and Anna Kraley of Washington Avenue have returned after visiting in Hartford, Conn. Miss Joan Marsh of Peckville is visiting in town.

SIMPSON John Pleska, Correspondent, 18 Midland Street. Phone, Carbondale 731-J. SIMPSON MIDWIFE NOW IN EIGHTY-NINTH YEAR Simpson, State-licensed midwife, who has brought 3,000 children into this world, acording to at MRS. MARY WOZNIEK HAS BROUGHT 3,000 CHILDREN INTO WORLD, ACCORDING TO HER RECORDS. Simpson, July Mary Wozniek, 654 Homestead Street, MRS.

MARY WOZNIEK her home, is now in her eightyninth year. Mrs. Wozniek, believed to be Simpson's oldest resident, was born in Prussia on Dec. 24, 1852, and came to Simpson sixty years ago. She is one of the best known and most highly respected residents of this place.

Mrs. Wozniek practiced her profession as a midwife in Simpson and vicinity over a period of fifty years and is now retired. Mrs. Wozniek today has good eye sight and easily recognizes her numerous acquaintances. She continues to carry on her chores about her garden and her home.

Mrs. Wozniek gave birth to twelve children, six of whom are living as follow: Mrs. Charles Galavitz and Lawrence Wozniek, Simpson; Mrs. John Lemcewski, Philadelphia; Mrs. John Zelinski, wife of oPstmaster John Zelinski, Simpson; Mrs.

William Stubenski, Conshocken, and Mrs. Ignatz Vanitsky, at home. She also has thirty grandchildren. Plan For Camping Trip. Members of the Simpson Ladies' Social Club at a meeting held recently at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. John Powell, Tuttle Street, completed plans for their annual camping trip. The ladies' group will spend the week of July 29 at the Scrub Oak Lodge at Lake Wallenpaupack, Honored On 84th Birthday. Mrs. Mary Bishop, who observed her eighty-fourth birthday, anniversary on July 4, was the guest of honor at a party held recently at her home on Mill Street.

Newton Lake Tonight Lee Vincent Orchestra. Buses from Memorial Park at 8 P. Jy10-tl M. Other News Notes. Members of the Simpson Miners Athletic Club will hold a meeting at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the Grattan Singer Hose rooms.

Miss Olga Barna, Passaic, N. has returned after spending a days with her parents on Doris Avenue. Miss Ann Danchak, Harrisburg, spent a few days recently with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Danchak, Doris Avenue.

Allan Sokolick, Garfield, N. J. has returned after visit with father, Walter Sokolick, Froble Street. Mrs. Wasil Mecolic, Morse Avenue, is spending some time in Detroit, Mich.

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zelinski and family, Detroit, are visiting Postmaster and Mrs. John J. Zelinski, Main Street.

Mr. and Mrs. William Holowach, Owego Street, have returned after VANDLING Clara Menart, Correspondent. 141 Main Street. his to in to an 8.

9 in TO PRESENT MUSICAL PROGRAM. AT CLOSING OF BIBLE SCHOOL Carbondale, July half hour of music will be given before the regular program marking the closing of the First Methodist Church Vocational Bible School on Friday evening. This part of the program in which pupils of the school will take part, will begin at 8 o'clock and will be as follows: Mandolin solo, "Some Sunday Morning," Rachel Horn; vocal solo, "Bible School," Marjorie Yake; piano solo, "Dreams of Happiness, Florence Jones; vocal solo, "Near When He Needs," Barbara MacMeekan; vocal solo, "Come Into My Ellen Glanville; duet, "Bells of St. Romayne Correll and Delores Reese; vocal solo, "Stranger of Thomas Mumford; guitar solo, "We Will Gather Alma Correll; piano solo, "Fairies Harps," Anna Glanville: vocal solo, "Brightly Gleams Our Banner," Carol Birkett. vocal solo, Rachel Horn.

CARBONDALE SOFTBALL LEAGUE WILL BE OPENED NEXT MONDAY Carbondale, July ing last night at the Italian Sportsmen's Club promoted by several service organizations and sports fans, the Carbondale Softball League was organized with Councilman Santo Pascoe as president and Joseph Craparo, secretary-treasurer. The new league, which will play a schedule of twenty twilight games, has six teams entered, sponsored by the Liberty Discount and Savings Bank, Tolerico's Welding Shop, Dom's Service Station, Melody Club, Anchor Inn Cafe and Motley and Consagra Coal Company. William Leo, Frank Andrews and Thomas F. Moran comprise a protest board which was named to handie all disputes that may arise. All league games will be played on Columbus Grounds, Hospital Street, the former location of the Carbondale General Hospital which were recently created into a sports center and playgrounds by an organization headed by Councilman Pascoe.

The first game will. be played at 6 o'clock next Monday evening. Other contests will be played Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. BRIDGE TOURNEY RESULTS Carbondale, July -Harold H. Krantz captured first honors in the series.

of duplicate contract bridge tournaments sponsored by the Carbondale Craftsman Club and which were completed last night. Dr. H. H. Alexander finished second in the series and Harry Hellman third.

Sixteen players participated in the Anals last night directed by Dr. Alexander. Mrs. L. W.

Nilsson and Isaac Singer, were first; Harry Wasserman and Harold Krantz, second; J. A. Hoole and John Malone, third, and Mrs. Ralph A. Ball and Mrs.

A. L. Chase, fourth. Team games will continue to be played at the club during the intervening months until a new tournament is opened after Labor Day. Broilers For Sale.

Phone 1072. Jy10-13 SEAMAN NOLAN DISCHARGED Carbondale, July NoIan son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nolan of 19 South Church Street, a seaman (1c), has been honorably discharged from the navy after two years' duty. He was in the Pacific area and for a time was stationed in Brazil.

He wears several ribbons awarded for service in the areas of war activities. Furnished House For Rent. Couple preferred. Centrally cated. all improvements.

Write Box 85, Carbondale. GENERAL HOSPITAL ITEMS Carbondale, July son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Caviston, this city, also a son to Mr. and Mrs.

Louis Smith, Waymart, at the General Hospital. Joseph Rees, 38 Belmont Street, is receiving medical treatment at the hospital and Santo Falbo, 20 Weir Court; Susanna Costanzo, 29 Villa Street, and Catherine Chickof, Hudson Street, Jermyn, have been admitted as surgical patients. Our New Club. starts Saturday, July 13. 50c or $1 a week.

Join now for men's or boys' clothing and furnishings. Nolan's, 51 Salem Ave. Jy9-t4 ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL ITEMS Carbondale, July, son has been born at Joseph's Hospital to Mr. and Mrs.

Thomas Craparo of 23 Shell Avenue, also a son at the same hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thompson, 209 Dundaff Street. Mrs. Sabrena, Anderson, 113 Salem Avenue, has been admitted to the hospital for medical treatment and Mrs.

Leonard F. Golden, 170 Washington Street, for surgical treatment. WILL PLAN ANNUAL FEAST Carbondale, July meeting of the Mary Immaculate Conception Society will be held at 8 o'clock tonight in Hall, Shell Avenue. President Matthew Martine requests that all members be present as matters pertaining to the annual feast celebration are to be considered. FORMER CARBONDALE MAN DIES Carbondale, July funeral of James Gilroy, fifty-two, son of Mr.

and Mrs. John Gilroy, Ossining, N. formerly of Carbondale, was conducted last Friday in Elizabeth, N. J. Interment was made in Mount Olivet Cemetery, Elizabeth.

Mr. Gilroy died of pneumonia in the Alexian Brothers' Hospital, Elizabeth. Besides his parents, there survive a sister, Mrs. Mary Newton, New York City, and three brothers, Leonard, Ossining; Thomas, Seattle, and John. Other News Notes.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Clifford have returned from their wedding trip and are residing at 110 Cottage Street. MESHOPPEN Mrs. Charles Baker, Correspondent.

Phone Meshoppen 39-R-9 Meshoppen, July James and Paul Donlin of Philadelphia, Miss Marguerite Donlin of New Brunswick, N. and Mrs. Nellie Corcoran and daughter, Ann, of Binghamton, N. were called here by the serious illness of their mother, Mrs. Ann Donlin.

Mrs. Willard Baker spent the past week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corby. Her father is improving from his recent accident.

Earl Lunger, supervising PECKVILLE and BLAKELY CLARENCE COX DIES I IN HOSPITAL IN NEW JERSEY AFTER ILLNESS Peckville, July Cox, Caldwell, N. a former resident of Peckville for thirty-five years, died at the Morningside Hospital, Montclair, N. following a lingering illness. He is survived by his wife, Romayne; a daughter, Gertrude, home; his mother, Mrs. Fred Cox Peckville; two brothers, Fred and Alfred, Caldwell, and three sisters, Mrs.

William Taylor, Gelatt, Mrs. 'Elwin Lesher, Peckville, and Mrs. Thomas McNulty, Caldwell. The funertl will be held from the home of Mrs. John afternoon Dolling, 706 Ridge Road, Friday o'clock.

Burial will be in the Washburn Street Cemetery, Scranton. MRS. ALLENELLE ROZICH DEAD; FUNERAL SERVICES ON FRIDAY Mrs. Rozich, wife of Andrew Rozich, 514 Main Street, died at the family home yesterday morning following a heart attack. Born in Blakely, the-daughter of the late Mr.

and Mrs. Luther Lyons, pioneer residents, Mrs. Rozich a member of the Peckville Methodist Church, Class 8 the Sunday School, Daughters of America: Friendship Rebekah Lodge, and the Ladies' Auxiliary of the Patriotic Sons of America. Her husband and, two nephews are her only survivors. The funeral will be held from the 2:30 home on Friday afternoon o'clock.

Rev. Cressey J. at Hunt wil officiate. Burial will be OLYPHANT SCHOOL BOARD ACCEPTS BONDS Olyphant, July Olyphant School Board, at a meeting last night approved and accepted a depository bond in the amount of $25,000 reand The Trust Company 1 of Scranton. ceived from the Third National Bank $5,000 bond of Treasurer Frank Messett also was approved and accepted by the board.

Both bonds were furnished by the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company. Miss Olive Hare, a member of the teaching staff, was granted a sabbatical leave of absence until Jan. 1, 1947. After her bath an old-fashioned girl with new ideas uses Apple Blossom Cologne, Dusting Powder and Deodorant, 50c and Mackie's. ANDREW CHONOK DEAD night.

Newton Lake Tonight Lee Vincent Orchestra. Jy10-t1 Andrew Chonok, 604 East Lackawanna Street; died at the Mid-Valley Hospital last night following a short illness. He was born in Austria came to this country forty-five years ago. He was a member of St. Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church.

His wife, Frances, is the only survivor. The funeral will be held from the Swallow Funeral Home, Grant Street, at a time to be announced. Friends may call after 6 o'clock to- Return From Canada. Mr. and Mrs.

Ernest Foster, 633 South Valley Avenue, and Mr. and Mrs. John Quinn have returned home after visiting friends in Windsor, Ontario, Can. JERMYN Mrs. Richard Marion, Correspondent.

401 Washington Ave. Phone 431-J Charles Ditmore, 219 Rushbrook Street, a well-known local resident who died Saturday morning at St. Joseph's Hospital, Carbondale, following a brief illness, was held yesterday morning from the Muldoon Funeral Home. A solemn requiem mass was celebrated in Sacred Heart of Mary Church by the pastor, Rev. John A.

O'Neill. Rev. Miles McAndrew of Archbald acted as deacon and Rev. Charles O'Donnell, assistant pastor, was subdeacon. Pallbearers were Stephen Pelack, Gerald Walker, Joseph Hyland, Thomas Hodgins, Frank Kane and James Connors.

Interment was in Calvary Cemetery, Mayfield. Will Wed On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kitchura of 613 Madison Avenue announce the approaching marriageof their daughter, Miss Madelyn Kitchura of Bridgeport, to Arthur W. Young, also of Bridgeport.

The ceremony will be performed next Sunday at noon in St. Michael's Church, East Jermyn. COOLERATOR FOR SALE Phone Jermyn 599. 10-11 Local News Briefs. The midweek prayer meeting and Bible study of the First Methodist Church will be conducted tonight at 7:30 o'clock in the church.

The recently organized Softball League sponsored by the, Jermyn Lions' Clut will open their season tonight with three contests at 6 o'clock. They will be between Evans' Pirates vs. Wionkowski's Falcons at Sweda's Field, Mayfield; Jackowiec's Rams vs. Gilbert's Indians, Fowler's Field, Jermyn, and Dreator's Owls vs. Lesehak's Red Sox at the Nebraska Field, East Jermyn.

Peoples Theater Tonight Only. "Masquerade In Mexico." Cartoon. Membership applications for Veterans of Foreign Wars may be obtained by contacting Russell Cooper or Walter Hodgins. Any serviceman, who served overseas, is eligible for membership. All charter members of George Zurdosky Post, Veterans of Foreign Wars, are urged be present at a meeting to be held in the Community House Monday evening, July 15, at 8 o'clock.

Kutch's Restaurant- Dance Thursday night. Music by Andy Bully. Adv.The regular meting of Troop 81, Boy Scouts of the First Methodist I Church, will be held tonight at FUNERAL OF CHARLES DITMORE Jermyn, July funeral of Vandling, and Mrs. Bernard Radulski have returned from Baltimore, where they spent the past two weeks. John Derbittend Linden, spent the at his mother's home here.

Miss Kay Simon has returned from Williamsburg, Va. Mrs. Christina Glavich and Miss Margaret Ann Menart visited Guilford, N. on Satunday. Miss Marion O'Pecko has returned after a week's vacation at Elizabeth, N.

J. Joseph Whitecavage has returned to. Fort Eustis, atter, spending the weekend with friends in town. Miss Clara Menart underwent tonsilectomy at St. Joseph's Hospital, Carbondale, on Saturday.

Mrs. John Babish and children of Elizabeth, N. are spending this week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alec O'Pecko Sr.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo Clark of New York City are visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Christina.

Louise Palickar has returned to Bloomfeld, N. after a brief visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Palickar. Mr.

and Mrs. Roy McCann have returned to Rochester, N. after spending the past week with tives and friends in town. Metro Semunchick of Bloomfield, N. is spending this week at his home here.

Miss Adrienne Petokas of Kearny, N. is visiting relatives and friends here. Theodore Stipulkosky left on Monday for Philadelphia, having reenlisted in the United States Army. Bernard Radulski has secured employment in Baltimore, Md. Henry Cerar is spending the Summer at Camp Oxford, N.

Y. Henry Williams left on Monday for Fort Meade, having reenlisted in the United States Army. THROOP Leo M. McAndrew, 202 George Street, Correspondent. Phone Olyphant 444.

Throop, July The Friendly Circle will meet tomorrow evening at the home of Mrs. Thomas Buddie. All members are urged to attend. Mrs. Charles Errington of Bridgeport, visited local relatives and friends in town.

Mrs. W. J. Seymour, Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson Seymour and William dle spent the past week at Fall River, Mass. spending a few days with Mr, and Mrs. Theodore Holowach, Clifton, N. J. Mr.

and Mrs. William Stubenski and family, Conshohocken, and Mrs. John Lenczewsi and Mrs. Barney Miller, Manajunk, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Mary Wozniek, Homestead Street.

Andrew Gombita, Philadelphia, is spending some time with friends here. Joseph Molko, Newark, N. is visiting his mother on George Street. Mrs. John Leczewski, Mrs.

Barney Miller, Mrs. John Powell, Mrs. Dubill and Mrs. Ignatz Vanitsky have returned after a visit with Mr. and Mrs.

Michael Petuh, Lake Como. Undertaker John Powell has returned from Pleasant Mount. Walter Halchak, New York City, is spending some time with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.

Halchak, Railroad Street. Joseph Kohut, Reservoir Street, has enlisted in the United States Navy and left to start training at Bainbridge, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peskosky, Jefferson Street, held a birthday party at their home recently in honor of their daughter, Lenore.

Miss Stella Zrowka, Tuttle Street, has returned from New Jersey. Mrs. John Lesak, Cameron Street, has returned after a visit at Lake Como. Miss Joan Wilk, Morse Avenue, has left to spend a month with her mother, Mrs. Joseph Wilk, New York City.

Miss Catherine Dembroski, Carbondale, has returned after visit: with Mrs. Anna Dombroski, Morse Avenue. Miss Ruth Klemak, Morse Avenue, is visiting her sister in New York City. First National Bank of Scranton Capital Stock International Textbook Capital Stock Bought Sold- Quoted J. BANIGAN CO.

First National Bank Building Scranton, Pennsylvania Phone 3-1155 New York, N. Harrisburg, Pa. Carlisle, Pa. A This is under no circ*mstances to be construed as an offering of this Preferred Stock for sale, or as an offer to buy, or as a solicitation of an offer to buy, any of such Stock. The offer is made only by means of she Prospectus.

NEW ISSUE 100,000 Shares PHILCO CORPORATION Preferred Stock Series A (Par Value $100 Per Share) Price $101.50 Per Share Copies of the Prospectus may be obtained from the undersigned. Smith, Barney Co. July 10, 1946.

The Times-Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.