The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)

9 i 'I fr Jfr: i'y i Vi, Jane 13, 19629 ik Supervisor Lauds Adult School Patrol MID-VALLEY- AREA NEWS BLAKELY-PECKVILLE Observance Held Of 25th Anniversary DICKSON CITY Testimonial Planned For Turock, Tylenda Thirty-eight members the Adult School Patrol attended the final meeting of the school year Tuesday night st City Hall with Grover Schauer, president, fa the chair. Patrolman Willard Getz, supervisor, commended the men for their, work of safeguarding intersections during the post school year. The 44-member patrol will disband during the summer, but will reform early fa September for briefing before schools reopen after Labor Day. Dickson City School directors, teachers and employes of the local fdistrcit will fete George M. Turock, retiring superintendent, and his successor, Joseph Tylenda, at a dinner Thursday at p.m.

in Weld-wood Lounge, Scranton-Carbondale Highway, Sturges. recently Supt. Turock retired Scranton Sees Political Victory Mr. and Mrs. Fred Crandall, 530 Hickory SL, Peckvtlle, observed their silver wedding anniversary Tuesday.

The couple was married in Union, N. J. Mrs. Crandall is the former Miss Elizabeth Evans. Her husband is employed by the Hendrick Manufacturing Carbondale.

They have two daughters, Justine, Arlington, and home. Couple Observes THROOP OLYPHANT I Little League Fund Canvass Set Thursday after 16 years as head of the local public schools. Mr. Tylenda, Dick- son City Junior High School principal, was named superintendent at the annual April conventio. Pricipal speaker will be John Metrinko, superintendent of Oly- phant Public Schools.

Atty. Joseph Sadowsld is general chairmen. Edward Munley, Dickson City High School principal, and Miss Anita Burke are assisting on arrangements. Michael Martin Renamed GOP Borough Head (Continued from Page Three) graft and corruption. They ore fed up with this.

Congressman Scrantons wife, Mary, a tireless campaigner in her own right two years ago when he was bidding for the 10th District seat, is making substantial progress in her current quest for votes for her husband. Mrs. Scranton, who accompanies her husband on his whirlwind sweeps around the (tats, hits the sidewalks at various stops to win friends and influence people in his behalf. Im Mary Scranton, Bills wife, is her standard greeting. 51st Anniversary Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Beard, 209 Second St, Blakely, recently observed their 51st wedding anniversary at home. The couple was married June 6. 1911, in Olyphant Presbyterian Church by Rev. T.

M. Polk. Mrs Beard is the former Miss Flossie Caines of Olyphant. Her husband is a retired printer. They have three sons, Harold, Blakely, and Gordon and Russell, both of Binghamton, N.Y.

They also have five grandchildren. ARCHBISHOP MARKS ANNIVERSARY- Archbishop Demetri, Wilkes-Barre aid Northeastern Pennsylvania, celebrated the 20th anniversary of his consecration as bishop Sunday at St Johns Russian Orthodox Church, Mayfield, receiving new vestments for the services and giving four boys of the churchs scout troop the God and Country Award. Left to right are: First row, Henry Wilcha, aslstant scoutmaster; Richard Allan Ross, Ronald Wilcha and John Hermanovitch, and Jerry Dreater, assistant scoutmaster; second row, Rev. Demetri Ressetar, pastor; Archbishop Demetri and Paul Wadica, scoutmaster; and, third row, Revs. Peter Mihaley and Michael Lepa, subdeacons, and Rev.

Basil Striluk, archdeacon. (Photo by Ed Smith) Army Promotes R. L. Brudnicki Olyphant hjayor John Chichilla has proclaimed this week as Little League Week. Members of the Little League will canvass the community Thursday beginning at 5 p.m.

Fathers of the players are to meet Thursday at 4:30 p.m. at the Little League Stadium, Smoketown. Michael Martin was reelected borough chairman of the Throop Republican Party Committee at a meeting held, at 737 Dunmore TRIBUNE CLASSIFIED ADS BRINGS BEST RESULTS Throop, Tuesday night. The Throop GOP advanced plans for the November General Election in the borough. City Man Held Under $1,000 Bail Gift wrapping free Mackies Adv.

FALSE TEETH Rock, snd. or Slip? Charles J. Condro Receives Degree Annual Picnic To Be Conducted Tiglie Admits 2 Car Thefts, Says He Was Drunk 3 Weeks MOSCOW Mon for part time work. Early morning hours in Moscow. Gouldsboro, Tobyhanna, Daleville area.

Call Dl 4-7228, Ext. 12 for fur ther information. Adv. Richard L. Brudnicki, 23, of Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Brudnicki, 714 Storrs St, recently was pro-many Where he is a member of the 48th Infantry. A rifleman in the Infantrys Co. in Worms, Specialist Brudnicki entered the Army in August 1960, and received his basic training at Ft Benning. Ga.

He was last stationed at Fort Riley, and arrived overseas in February, 1961. Specialist Brudnicki was graduated from Dickson City High School in 1955. He later attended Temple University in THROOP BRIEFS Auxiliary to Throop Hose Co. No. I has recessed for the summer.

Meetings will resume fa September. FA8TOTH, tmprorad powdar to Plata tprmklad oa uppar or lowac Da hoi A. tala taatfe mora flnnlT la Da nat allda, altp or rock. No unf, faallnf. FAS- in.

I Dooa eta). John Tighe, 25, 4 Plum Place, trate asked Tighe after he pleaded nea-ac! Dot aaur. Chock "Plata tura braatb). Oat FASTUTH dm countar. od- lor" Charles J.

Condro, son of Rev. and Mrs. Frank C. Condro, 751 Main Peckville, was graduated recently at the annual commencement exercises at Grove City College, Pa. He was awarded a bachelor of arts degree.

Mr. Condro, a Blakely High School graduate, majored in history and won academic honors in that field at Grove City College. JESSUP Bloodmobile Visit Listed guility. I was drunk for three weeks, Tighe replied. He said when he abandoned the Nolan car and hitch-hiked to who admitted fa police court he had been drunk for three weeks, pleaded guilty Tuesday to larceny of two motor vehicles and was held fa $1,000 bail.

Parishioners of SS. Cyril and Methodius Greek Catholic Church will hold their annual picnic at the church grounds, July 27 through July 29, it has been announced by Rev. Dr. Stephen Hry-nuck, pastor. Andrew Kollar is general chairman, assisted by various committees to be named.

Eves R0USetitw LQ XI PRICES Scranton, he thought he would try City Magistrate David B. Miller to straighten things out. But I chickened out, he said. FOX PRESCRIPTION Cubs to Attend Family Outing MONTDALE Fun-Time Fashions for Ladies and Kiddies MACKIES Adv. SUtl GLASSES a patient Hospital, Roselllen Turissini is in the Robert Packer Sayre.

Red CrMi Bloodmobile make its spring visit to Jessup Thursday when the unit will be stationed at the Jessup Hose Co. No. 1 Fire House, Fourth Avenue, from I to 6 p.m. Bruno Cavaiieri is chairman of this visitation with Patsy Naticchi and Menotti Scarinci, cochairman. Persons desiring to replace blood for relatives or friends may do so Thursday.

set the bail after a hearing during which Tighe said he stole a car owned by John Nolan May 27 from St. Pauls Church parking lot, Marion Street and Penn and drove it to Tamaqua, where he was living at the time. Motorcycle Patrojjnen Walter Jones and Thomas Baggot said Tighe abandoned the Nolan car in Tamaqua, hitch-hiked to Scranton and on June 3 stole a car owned by Michael Kolesar, 1800 Cleveland from the 700 block of North Washington Avenue, What happened? the magis- LOW PRICES SAME AS BEFORE DICKSON JOTTINGS Miss Ruth Mary Serfass, Ash Street left recently for a three-week vacation in Europe. She emplaned at International Airport, York City. She will visit England, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Portugal and France during her tour.

Mrs. Elizabeth Sluck and daughter, 607 Ash Mrs. Sadie OBara, 1152 Frieda and Andrew Krause, 600 Pancoast have been discharged from Mid-Valley Hospital. Marcella Kovelski, Oleckna Throop, ia a patient in Scranton State General Hospital. She was transported to the hospital Monday in the Dickson City community ambulance.

Cub Scout Pack 63, Blakely Baptist Church, will join with other scouts packs of Lakeside Council in a family outing at Goose Pond, Saturday. Cubs of the local pack will meet at the local church from where transportation will be supplied to the outing site. Cars wilt leave Blakely Baptist Church from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m CAR CRASH Mr. Mildred Roberts, 744 Adams reported Tuesday to Patrolman Frank Galonis that a white car crashed into her car while it was parked in front of her home.

She said her car was damaged. VANDLING Annual Meet Of Democratic Women Listed A Irt qaaifar fcam lit quality fiwMi On 0F Mn linl JflttM PlPMriptiM IZl LACKA. AVE. Dl M1M Bourn It, In Than. Nltaa "tk I Registration Set For Summer School Registration for summer school wiH be held at Jessup High School Building June 19 from 9 a.m.

to noon and from 1 to 3 Supt. Martin J. Loft us has announced. In the event sufficient registrations are made, sessions will begin July 2 and terminate Aug. 10.

CLIFFORD The Annual spring-summer dinner-meeting of Democratic Women of Vandling will be conducted Thursday evening at Lake Lor-rain. Reservations are to be made with the following: Kay Gregal-ski, Mary T. Loomis and Clare Sever. Transportation will be BOROUGH BRIEFS Parents interested in Cub Scouting are invited to a meeting tonight at 7:30 oclock in the Blakely Baptist Church rooms. Earl Abbott, assistant Cubmaster, Cub Pack 63, will speak on the topic, "Cub Scouting.

R. Evans is cub-master. Joseph Kibalia, 307 Second Blakely, and Mrs. Dorothy Rafal-ko, 912 Fairview SL, and Michael Lund, 600 Hickory both of Peckville, have been discharged from Mid-Valley Hospital. Board of directors, Mid-Valley Family Service Association, will meet tonight at 8 oclock in the nurses quarters of Mid-Valley Hospital, Peckville.

Leslie E. Perry wilt preside. CARD OF THANKS We wish to sincerely thank all those who to kindly assisted us in our recent bereavement, especially donors of cards, cars end flowers. SPINOSI FAMILY. Adv.

X- 5 I 'M 4 4 I I 'I 4 FOREST CITY Communion Fete To Be Conducted MIMED IN LACKA. COUNTY FILL YOUR BIN NOW New Courses -4 Being Mapped JESSUP BRIEFS Additional donations to the Jessup Hose Co. No. 2 ambulance fund drive as announced by James Walsh, chairman, follow: Mr. and Mrs.

M. E. Gasper, $10; Mr. and Mr. Theodore Kita, Michael Himchak Sr.

and Family, Frank Sylvester, Josephine Minicozzi, $5. Holy Name Society, Sacred Heart Churoh, Forest City, will hold Its annual Father Day Communion breakfast Sunday, fa the parish hall. Rev. John Madaj, pastor, is honorary chairman. -Committee includes: Stanley Kolenda, Frank Goskowski and Manuel Junior.

Quiz Teacher In Girls Death OCLEAN OLONG BURNING DEEP-MINED Mr. Melvern Spedding has completed her term as a primary teacher in Great Bend School. Mrs. Edna Hutchins attended the graduation of her daughter, Joyce Ann, North which was held June 5 in the Blue Ridge High School. Miss Hutchins Will enter Wilson Memorial Hospital School of Nursing, Johnson City, in the fall.

Last riter for Fred Hankinson, Wilkes-Barre, "were held Monday from the Kniffin Funeral Home Interment, Uniondale Cemetery. st in the series of card parties sponsored by the Fire Company auxiliary was held Friday night. The regular meeting of the auxiliary will be held Thursday night in the hall. Plans will be discussed for a bake sale to be conducted Saturday, June 30, in the Clifford Farm Market. The conditions of Wallace LaCoe and Will Bennett have improved slightly.

Mr. and Mrs. Randall Reed, Lexington, are visiting. Mrs. Reed mother, Airs.

John Turner, and her eistier, Mrs. Melvern Spedding, at Hotel Spedding. A Slower was held in honor of Florence Lucas, Taylor, Wednesday night in the township fire hall. Miss Lucas will marry William Wells, son of Mr. and Mrs.

George Wells, Royal, on June 16. Ruth and Hazet Hasbrauck, Tessa Finn, E. Paul Smith and C. Lawrence recently attended the meeting of Abington Baptist Women in Clarks Green. Mrs.

Hazel McAlla and grandson, Joey, last week visited Mrs McAllaa daughters, Marjorie and Charlotte, Binghamton, and Mrs. Lewis White, Worcester, N.Y. Rachel Macheli, Linda Havullck, Patsy Lynch, Joan Ross and Thomas Tell were members of the 1962 graduating class of Mountain View High School. Bloodmobile Visit Listed American Red Cross will sta-, tlon its bloodmobile at Forest City Methodist Church Today from 11:45 am. to 5:45 pm.

Dr. Hodes is blood program chairman. AT THE YEAR'S (Continued from Page Three) oar for a one-day visit to Long Beach Island. They stopped for a 5 a.m. breakfast Miss Schulman told authorities that Miss Jones then said she would take a walk to the end of the Island, some 15 miles away.

When Miss Jones failed to return, the teacher deckled to visit friends and then took a bus back home. Miss Schulman was questioned by police Monday night. She well acquainted with the habits and background of Miss Jones, Wooley said. She can be quite helpful. Miss Jones was Reported missing Sunday morning when her car, beach gear and wallet containing $60 were found on the beach.

Jones told police that his daughter had visited the island before with friends from the drama school. (Continued from Page Three) tlons for the next term already have been received. He said that progress reports on each pupil have been dispatched to the proper officials of their respective home school districts. Miss Helen ODonnell, super-intendent, reviewed functions con nected with the end of the school term last Friday and reported that she will attend a speech defect conference June 25 to 29 at Pennsylvania State University. Oral School employes will begin annual three-week vacations on July 2.

Edgar Cawley, president, reported that a survey of accident insurance coverage has been completed and that parents of many students appear interested in the insurance possibilities. The board will explore an Insurance program with various tgencles and hopes to have a plan ready in the fall. It was announced that the fourth floor of one of the buildings is being prepared as a dormitory for boys and will be ready in the fall. Dr. Joseph Reilly notified the board that all students completed their Salk vaccine treatments before the.

end of the term. A financial report showed a balance of $24,838.22 in accounts for the fiscal year which ends June 30. The school appropriation for the year was $270,000 while expenditures through last May 31 amounted to $245,161.78. TOBYHANNA Man for part time wo k.4 Early morning hours in Moscow, Gouldsboro, Tobyhanna, Dalevillp area. Call.DI 47228, Ext.

12 for further information. Adv. CLARKS SUMMIT Fin Gift for DAD at LESHS Adv. FATHEKS is JUNE 17 Perry Takes Virginia Job Oil MOFFATS BUDGET PLflil ONO SERVICE CHARGES ONO FINANCE CHARGES ONO "HIDDEN EXTRAS" J. Chapman Lakes (Continued from Page Three) sons, Ronald 10; Randall, 8, and Russell, 3.

Mr. Perry has two brothers who are teachers Robert, who is on the faculty at Technical High School, and Richard, who teathes music at Genoa, N. Y. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs.

Joseph Perry, 512 Broadway. Mr. Perry studied at Duquesne University, took his masters degree at University of Scranton, and has justabout completed his doctorate at University of Virginia. He also studied at Juilliard School of Music, New York, and while in school majored in music and minored in history. He also taught English at one time.

Moffat Premium Anthracite Is CERTIFIED STANDARD ANTHRACITE According to PENNA. STATE SPECIFICATIONS Phone your Moffat Dealer now for your year's supply or call Dl 2-0244 for prompt delivery. Choose from our Wide, Selection of Quality Gifts! Cigars Ggarettes 'jv Lighters Tobacco-Pipes 'fv Cameras Candy 4 Flashlights Jolly Ladies Club will hold its June meeting on June 19 In Jermyn at the home tit Mrs. Mary Morcom. Lunch wiH be served at 12 noon, Mr.

and Mrs. Joseph Lightner, Jermyn, Pearl Miller and Mary Emma Vail, Mrs. Martha Vernau, Mrs. Richard Hughes, Archbald, and Mrs. Bridget Broboski, Newark, N.J., visited Mrs.

Florence Vernau Toiletries Old Spice Saforth Yardlty King Men 'ft Wrist Watches Golf Balls IMI IV JU Also Choose from our Wonderful Selection of GREETING CARDS GOULDSBORO Man for part time work. Early morning hours jn Moscow, Gouldsboro, obyhanna, Daleville area. Call Dl 4-7228, Ext. 12 for further information. Adv.

DAUVIUE Man for part time work. Early morning Kours in Moscow, Gouldsboro, Tobyhanna, Daleville area. Call Dl 4-7228, Ext. 12 for further information. 1 Adv, PHONE Dl 2-0244 MOFFAT COAL CO.

TAYLOR, PA. DALTON PHARMACY 102 W. Main Street Phone: LO 3-3421.

The Tribune from Scranton, Pennsylvania (2024)
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